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Monday, November 27, 2023

Thanksgiving must be over...

... because the neighbors have their Christmas stuff up. 

I noticed yesterday that the family directly across the street from my window, was putting up their twinklies above their garage. By the time night fell, the bushes were lit up with reds and gold, and Buddy the Elf and his friend The Grinch are set to watch me from across the street. 

Ed and Joann too, have their driveway all decked out. Lucky for me, they are on the same side of the street, so I don't see all their lights. 

Which are a lot. 

They go all out on every season. I can't explain enough, how crazy it is, to walk out of my garage and see their stuff to my left. 

I have to give them credit because they always seem to add new stuff every year. It's not horrendous, but it does look like a hoarder has decided to finally put stuff out. 

At least this year they've got a flamingo and a penguin! 

The yellows, gold and green are a nice touch to the palm tree and bushes, but you can't doll up Florida greenery and call it winter. Sorry... but Christmas isn't December unless it's super cold, snowing and not 80° out. 

Actually, there is going to be a point this week that they predicted will be 40 - 45° in the morning. However, it'll be 80 by the afternoon. 

Which means all the people getting out in the morning are going to be dressed for a blizzard and I'm going to be wearing short sleeves and possibly shorts. If I have to wear long pants, I will, but the temperature is going to affect me while I am in my car, on my way to work. So I either suck it up and turn on the heater, or I fully clothe my legs and call it a day. 

We'll see what the morning brings me because I never know what's going to happen some days. This morning I was running 15 minutes late due to some challenges in the bathroom, but other times I run super early. It's a hit or miss these days. 

I just wanted to share the pictures. I'm sure I'll have more of other houses at some point, but while I'm still thinking about my neighbors' lights, I wanted to share it. 

All photos taken on an iPhone 11 and edited in Photoshop.

Until snow actually falls in the Sunshine State, take care of yourselves.


See also (aka Christmas decoration):

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