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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Slayed season 1 & put it in its coffin

I finished season 1 of Young Dracula. It had the type of ending you knew would happen, but I'm not going to create any spoilers on it, in case any one wants to see it. It just set itself up for another season that you know will be just as questionable. 

The crazy thing is, like I said in my last post, the more I am watching this show, the more it has a 1990s appeal to it. It doesn't help that the actor playing Count Dracula (Keith-Lee Castle) has a total 70s rock band vibe (okay, spoiler - there is a scene in one of the episodes where some kids even ask him what famous musician he is). Yet, he looks like he belongs in the 90s. It's so weird; I guess he ages well? 

A struggle with this show is that the Van Helsing characters don't seem to fit in completely with the story. I know that seems like a contradiction as what's a vampire without a slayer, but the fact the dad and son live in a camper van is an odd living arrangement. 

For context, Van Helsing in this story is a woodshop teacher and he has a son he's trying to teach the ways of the slay to, and the son doesn't believe in vampires. Yes, it makes sense to have a slayer be a woodshop teacher, but they're slightly over reaching with it. It's comical the way they're writing this character because his fang obsession is too over powering. I'm not giving more spoilers, except to say "let's pretend he's not as adequate in the kill department as we know the name to be, yet he's trying to teach his son". 

But yeah, they live in a "I go where I'm towed" camper van. Just because you're attempting to follow the undead, doesn't mean you can sleep in an RV. At least get a one bedroom apartment or something when you roll into town and know there is "activity". Make it a little more realistic. Although, if you're constantly on the go, it does make sense to be on wheels because constantly putting rent down and not being there for a year is a little troublesome. 

I have to say, Vlad's friend Robin is too "white bread posh" to try to pretend to be goth and into vampires. Yes, Vlad makes a friend when the Draculas first move to their new city, but Robin and his family seem too "normie" to have one of the kids be into the darkness. 

True, most "normal looking" families have a goth kid (sometimes), but Robin's attempt at being undead seems a little much. Like it's a total act or something (as if his older brothers are betting him to do it). It works but it doesn't work. It adds to the predictability of this show, I guess. 

The last thing is, Renfeld could use a slight makeover. They made him under too much. The whole Riff Raff meets Crazy doesn't completely jive. One or the other. That is all I want to say about it. 

Don't get me wrong - I'm not knocking this show at all. I want to watch all 5 seasons because I want to sort it out. See where it goes because it's different, for sure. I do like it, honestly. It's mindless and it's a "fresh" / "new" take on the lore of the vampire. I guess we can thank Michael Lawrence for the inspiration?

Until I finish another chapter...


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