I can't believe I completely missed anything in June! Here we are, on the American Independence Day, and the last post I have listed is from May, talking about
The Overton Window
. Time passes too quickly these days, for sure.
Being the Fourth of July, my camera is all set up for the festivities tonight. Will I end up going out to shoot fireworks in the bug infested complex? Who knows. But for now, my
Canon EOS Rebel T3
Canon Remote Switch
await nightfall.
Although, truth be told, I was just out there a few minutes ago taking pictures of a frog hanging out on the pull down fire box:
The only thing I did with this guy is shoot in RAW format, convert to a jpg and go into
Adobe Photoshop CS6 
to add a layer with my name in it. It's just one of those things, where I'm shooting in RAW lately and just converting it to a different format to email to people. Defeats the purpose of shooting RAW sometimes, if all I need is a jpeg, but I'm told it's easier to do the former in case you want to do some editing. *Shrugs* I like to alternate though *grin*
What else have I been grooving to lately? Not too much; been busy with work and trying out some settings on my camera. Earlier I had
"Circus of Dreams", a song off The Grand Slambovians
(aka Gandalf Murphy & The Slambovian Circus of Dreams) A Good Thief Tips His Hat
album running around in my head. Pretty catchy tune, actually. I first heard the song in a juggling video an old friend of mine did while at college. He had taken various videos of himself doing contact ball juggling around campus and edited it all together in a music video. Kid had some serious talent!
Other than that, things are things. Can't complain and can't wait to see what else happens this summer....
Until Then...
See more:
Vista Explorer 60-Inch Lightweight Tripod with Tripod Bag
Fushigi Ball Gravity Ball
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