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Friday, September 23, 2022

Watch your step?

Over the past weekend, I was out with my mother, and we needed to use my toll pass before I'd get hit with administrative fees for not using it within the year's end (October to October). 

So off to shop across the bridge we go.

After doing our grocery shopping, we were getting to the car when I saw a humorous sticker on the back of a car. 

Yes, I had to take a picture of it, and yes, I filtered out the plate number. 

Sticker says "The grass is greener under my wiener" and it has a Dachshund in profile. 

I immediately had to send it to my friends and they all had the same giggle reaction I did. One of my friends had to make the typical guy remark: "sounds like you're a bit more nature girl today.. there's no grass under my wiener at the moment LMAO" (Hi Tim).

Yup... I have people that can go there right from the getup. There's a reason I keep certain people around... we make each other's day better. In more ways than one. 😃

Unfortunately, Amazon doesn't have the exact sticker, but they certainly have other items, ranging from door mats to alcohol glasses and everything in between.

If I had a dog, I'd probably buy one of the funny things, but a wiener dog isn't for me... a pug would be my fur baby of choice. What's there to rhyme with "pug"? Rug? Drug? Tug? How do you make something laughable while managing to not offend everyone??

Who knows.

I just wanted to share the laugh of the weekend since I don't know what's happening this weekend and next week. Reports are in that we are currently in the cone of concern for a hurricane. As of right now, it can hit us on Tuesday and Wednesday as a possible category 3, but it could change. We all know what's been going on in the world and what happened five years ago (Irma). Fingers crossed everything shifts...

Until the next check in.

Stay dry.


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Thanks for sharing!