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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Halloween, Halloween...

It's that time of year where we start singing the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack in my house while I reminisce about "the days when VH-1 played The Rocky Horror Picture Show on a constant loop. 

Every day I sit ay my desk in my bedroom and watch the lit spooky decorations stare at me from across the street. Where it's dark in the morning when I check my email and it's dark in the evening when I get home to do some night duties, the ghosts and witches tempt me with cute horror dreams rather than dark mind thrillers. 

The other morning I went to take the garbage out (at 7am, not pm) and decided to bring my iPhone 11 with me, to take photos of the airy group I see from my window. 

As we had a couple days of no humidity, it is currently back with a vengeance. So walking into the living room and seeing condensation on the lanai doors was not something I was expecting. 

Once I made my breakfast and got together the last of the trash, I went outside to drop in in the bin and take photos. 

The only alterations I did was put my name on it and delete a street sign. 

I haven't ventured throughout the rest of the neighborhood, but I know Ed has some things hanging around his garage that I should probably get photos of, before it's too late. 

I just need someone to drive me around the complex to get the rest of the houses because I've seen some pretty gnarly items out and I know some neighbors are complaining about one unit in particular because they've got a tripping hazard going. They've not secured an electrical line from their garage to the sidewalk and a blowup ghost is creating havoc because people are catching their shoes on it and complaining. 

Glad we don't decorate... we just "ooh" and "ahh" at everyone else. 

Until I get get more stuff up, enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Thanks for sharing!