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Sunday, March 2, 2025

This macro is not edible...

 ... unless you're a bug.

I kept meaning to post these pictures, but I've been squirreled into other things. Once you open up too many tabs on your browser, you keep going into random rabbit holes. 

My mother bought a dozen roses for herself on Valentine's Day, because they were on a flash sale at Publix. She loves randomly buying flowers and putting them out for an extra punch of color in our living room. 

These roses, which I don't have a picture of, are water suckers. Every day my mother has had to add more and more water to the vase, as weirdly enough, the water disappears over night. This routine has lasted long enough, that she cut the stems to a manageable size and has them in a smaller container.

It also has limited how quickly they die off. 

The one who drew the first "time to go!" straw, was a multi colored light magenta and light orange rose. Sounds like an odd color combination, but it was actually really pretty. All the roses have this tie dye effect going on, especially as they're wilting and dying. 

Case in point, the one we noticed go first:

All the photos were taken on an iPhone 11 with the internal zoom feature. 

It's not a macro photo I'd prefer, as I do have kits for my Canon DLSR

My mother wanted to move the roses at this point, and get them into another vase. So I couldn't start taking out everything to put together. I had my phone with me and thought it would be easier to try to capture what I could.

Again, they're not wonderful, but they're also not junk. It's blurry in parts I would have wanted clear, clear in parts I would have wanted blurry. It's an experience; a lesson learned that next time I go get my big camera. 

The more I look at them, the more I feel I could have done better. I mean, you can definitely see the little leaf veins in a couple photos, really clearly. I would have hoped the closeness of the phone would have picked up other things within the frame, when I tried to touch focus on another corner. That ended up being a blurry one. Sometimes smart technology thinks it's smarter than you and chooses what to do by itself. 

Or, it's another thing I need to learn to do and work on with cameras. But do I really want to start using my iPhone as my main photo taking contraption? Not really. This is why I still have issues with my Canon. I'm lazy; I don't carry the DSLR everywhere anymore. It was so easy with a point and shoot, because it was small and had a little carrying case. The DSLR has attachments and accessories.. you literally need a diaper bag some days to carry everything. Conversely, our smart devices (phones) are always in our pockets and are quick to take photos on the fly when we need to. So we get accustomed to it. 

If the big directors can shoot an entire movie in 4K on an iPhone, something is okay with it? I don't know; I haven't tested that theory yet. I'm still limiting myself to what I do, as proven with my last round of videos and now these photos. 

Until I can sort it out even further, have a great Sunday! 


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Thanks for sharing!