Snow fall (accumulated total to date): around 65 inches (5 ½ feet) (give or take an inch or two of melting).
The following pictures take place on the afternoon of January 27. The pictures where the camera is high (i.e. the one looking towards the street and a car is in the picture on the bottom), I am standing on a 7½ foot high snow mound in my driveway. The pictures that are in the back yard are from the same view point (I just turned around). The last picture is in my driveway, across my front yard. You can see the bushes are completely covered (there is a tree a little off centre in the back ground... that tree is surrounded by shrubbery. Or it was).
And yet, we're expected to get more snow this weekend. Another foot or more. There's no where to put it; my double wide driveway (roughly 4 car drive) is now a car and a half driveway.
Roofs are collasping all around the state from the weight of the snow. The icicles hanging from our roof, have their own icicles. Even those ones have their own! This winter is surely the bane of everyone's existence.
Given most cities are currently going into debt from the snow removal, theyre still doing a good job cleaning streets when they can. Boston had several million dollars to their name in the snow removal fund. I think now, as it stands, they are scurrying to borrow money from other funds because the storms we've had (4), completely tore a hole into that fund and drained the hell out of it. The same goes with alot of other major cities. My city has gotten into a jam as well. We get "thundersnow", so that's 3-6 more inches an hour. Fun times!
So the main question is...Who's ready to move?

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Thanks for sharing!