Friendly reminder that comments are welcome, but please don't link to other sites in your text unless it's to your personal (social network) page or relevant to the post. Thank you!
Okay, I am here to ask everyone to please stop posting my blog on other forums and web pages with out my permission. I've been checking the stats again, and I'm now on a forum questioning whether there is a God or not. This was because someone Googled my post about the "After You Die, You Will Meet God" billboard I saw. I don't mind you linking me somewhere, BUT COMMENT ON THE ENTRY HERE FIRST, AS WELL AS ASKING ME IF IT'S ALL RIGHT.
I know I may put up Youtube videos, or include other people's pictures, but I also have been giving credit to them (as wella s saying I found them in Google and you can too). Where I am finding my blog, I've no credit at all. Just someone saying something like "oh, like this:" and a link to a certain entry. No word to me about whether it's okay or not.
So I ask you, kind readers, yet again.... STOP hotlinking to me. Ask me first.
Gosh, there are just some songs that make me miss the 90s, hella bad. Ben Folds' music is the current missing link.
NBC had a show in December called The Sing-Off. I caught it this season, which happened to be its second season. I must say, it is waaaay better than that shite music program Fox promotes the hell out of. The Sing-Off is all vocal - a capella music and there is absolutely no other instruments in any episode. It's a competition show and it's amazing. It really needs to be kept on air and watched. These groups are awe inspiring. The judges were Ben Folds, Shawn Stockton (Boyz II Men), and Nicole Sherzinger (PCD, Dancing With The Stars). They were constantly floored by the level of talent each group brought to the floor. I know I've referenced the show in previous entries - On The Rocks, and Street Corner Symphony, are somewhere within the last couple months. I do have to admit, there is a reason Street Corner Symphony was the runner up. There is just something about those boys that makes you melt when they sing.
But SCS is not 1997. True, they are currently touring with Ben Folds, this post is about 90s music and the uber geeky nerd, Ben Folds. This show renewed my fascination in Mr. Folds. I remember buying Whatever And Ever Amen when it came out. On cassette. And I thought "this dude is interesting. I can roll with it". However, over the years, I lost track of his music. Life took me in other directions and I missed out on some of his music. That's not to say that I didn't hear the random single on a radio station. But watching NBC made me realise I missed out on a good artist. Hearing his old songs again, brought up memories from when I first heard them. Like everyone else that happens to. So, in essance, NBC actually has done a good thing for once. It gave me back some inspiration. But I thank Ben Folds for being the originator. And although Vevo videos are botch jobs, I give you, for your listening pleasure, Brick.
Now don't go and say it don't bring back some groovy thoughts...
I'm not delving into detail, not am I writing a long, drawn out entry. But I ask that if there is anything you can do to pray for Japan, please do so. I am not a religious person myself, so I would like to contribute by simply making this paragraph. If you can give money, do so. If you can send supplies, do so. They are now on their fourth night with out water, food, or power in some places. According to several news sites, 1,000 bodies just washed up on shore (American time, this morning). This earthquake and tsunami won't stop. The devastation is horrible. It's going to get so much worse for them before it gets better. I'm not normally a fan of texting and donating via the Red Cross, but texters: text REDCROSS to 90999. I've family and friends over there, and so far, everyone has managed to survive Tokyo unscaved. So this is an event that has impacted me (not to mention their ace National footy team ☺).
Again, if there is anything you can do besides read this, please do so, and I really thank you for that. So will the people you can help. ...