Therefore, I had invested in the Sony RDR-GX257 Recordable DVD Player with HDMI Upscaling
Unfortunately, as it's several years old, it is no longer an available product to buy new. That's not to say it was a poor product, like all electronic equipment, they seem to become "no good" due to a minute error, six months down the road. Or, there is a better version made, all together.
However, the Sony DVPSR510H DVD Player
The one I had bought was probably back in 2008. I had mainly used it to play regular DVDs, as well as transfer the occasional VHS. When I moved from Massachusetts to Florida, things became not so easy to hide and store any more. Out comes the video player deck, a 25 Disc Spindle
The VCR I have hooked up, like the Sony player, is an older model. The Magnavox Philips MVR430MG21 Video Cassette Recorder Player VCR VHS HQ
Whatever style you decide to buy, you will need an
All in all, my friend calls me a neo luddite - I am not a big fan of technology. As proof of so many times I've voiced opinion about the new fandangled machinery presently available. I like what I like, and use what I know. I am not afraid to try something different, but am stuck in some of my old fashioned ways. I like to suggest new things I try, but also hope to give ideas of what to use in other ways. Today was one of those days when you need a project to take your mind off things. Converting old tapes are a great way to reminisce about your past, live for the future and love the time you spent doing those stupid tricks thinking they were super cool.
See also:
Machines I have used:
Sony DVDDirect Recorder
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Thanks for sharing!