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Saturday, June 30, 2018

The conspiracy of a passenger

I've been so slow on the uptake in reading books since I started my current job (in December 2017). I haven't been able to plow through as many books as I used to, since I typically come home too tired to want to read. Or, I just don't want to put any effort into it. However, I did pick up a book a couple months ago and have started reading it over the last few weeks.

Conspiracy and political nuts, enter the ring and put on your tin foil hat here.

You've been warned.

I typically try to stay away from politics in my blog, I really do. I don't fight for one candidate over the other and I don't enforce my opinion of whomever may currently be in office, down people's throats. I like to try to stay neutral on such a public forum, but in private among friends, we all get together and I air my grievances. I didn't write a term paper on political shortcomings in my sociology class for nothing!

But at any rate, the book I picked up and have been reading is Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win by Luke Harding.

Yes, it's the same man who wrote The Snowden Files back in 2014.

Due to the fact I listen to NPR (and thus have it be my main source of informative "fake news"), I'm finding that everything I'm reading in Collusion is playing out on stage as we speak. #SpoilerAlert: It's all been said already... although I'm finding it quite funny that the details written on page is coming out in all forms of news press now... some 11 months later. Not even. Examples are the Mueller and Comey incidents; the current infatuation with the World Cup.

I don't want to go into exhausting detail about this book because "no one wants to hear it" - you have to choose your own adventure with this one due to the fact I could lose a lot of readers and get myself into hot water by promoting one side over the other. My opinion is that America seems to be on a quick downward spiral, but if the plans of bettering ourselves and each other were put together a little more cohesively, we'd be in far less danger than what it seems like we're heading towards. Too many people are fighting now, and it's a scary world to want to be a part of. I fear for my friends and their children and how the kids are going to grow up in the coming years. We're doing more harm to them then to ourselves.

But I'm leaving it at that. Please don't ask me to elaborate anymore. I don't want to pick a side on my blog like this; I just want to share news and things I'm reading and how they may or may not relate to what's going on in my life.

To change the subject to a passenger...

While at work yesterday, there was an outside event happening. It's an outdoor market every week. After it was over, my team mate and I were putting tables and chairs back when a comfortable looking frog was spotted on a chair. The person I was working with, came over to me and said "there's a frog over here. It's kinda big". Off I go, following her to where she was, and lo and behold, there's a chunky looking frog having a seat on the cushion.

* All photos taken on an iPhone 6S. No edits except adding my name. WYSIWYG.

We felt bad disturbing it, but we both took a few pictures before the chair was moved back to where it belonged and the frog acted like this was the normal thing. It didn't move an iota.... it just stayed in that one spot and took a nap. We had a good laugh because the girl said that she would have been quite surprised if it jumped at her if she didn't see it at first. I said that would have been hysterical - "surprise!!".

Oh, the power of living in a tropical climate...

Be safe!


See also:

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