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Sunday, January 16, 2022

This too, has passed

It's 3:47pm as I start to type this and the sun is out, the sky is blue, and no Dear Prudence, I don't want to go play. ... Although tempting as it may be, seeing it's a cool 67 degrees and beautiful out.

The cool wind stroking the clouds across the sky make for a fall's day instead of a winter's day. I feel like I should be seeing autumn leaves on the ground rather than palm trees along the sidewalk. 

The afternoon is quite a difference in scene from this morning. Too bad I don't have the "before" pictures to add to this... 

I did want to post when the storms were over, to say it finished somewhere off to sea. There are places through out Florida that got hit hard, as some were mobile home parks and others were older communities. There was video somewhere of the interstate this morning, in the thick of it, where an overturned 18 wheeler created a back up of cars. I don't remember where it was, but if it were me in back of that, I'd be like "so much for getting out of dodge! This ain't no good.. talk about being a sitting duck!". 

The question remains... six months out of the year with snow and ice... or six months out of the year with hurricane or tornados?

A decade in Florida still has me boggled...


Tay, if you're reading this, I found you a new coffee service... 

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