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Saturday, February 1, 2020

"All the pretty things are going to hell"

Well... I got some interesting emails the last 2 days.

Roku decided to drop all the incarnations of Fox from their line up.

Yup. You read right. Middle of the week, just days before one of America's biggest sports games of the year, Roku made a surprising announcement that they are swiping left on Fox. Fox, in return, sent an email stating "it's not us; it's them.. we found out when you did".

Don't believe me?

So... Making the cutoff date of midnight, January 31, 2020, all Fox apps were no longer going to reside in the land of the purple button'd, purple logo'd streaming device. No reasoning behind it, outside of "We wanted to let you know....", Roku's version of a "Dear John" letter.

Speculations can be made... things can be excused... but there are far more apps to cancel, if you want to start messing around with things. Remember the Spike TV app? Yea, that lasted a hot minute.... now that Spike changed his name to Paramount. Which still doesn't have an app.

I guess Fox raised hell about this ordeal over night, as this morning I got emails from Roku and Fox saying they reconciled their differences and Roku will host Fox again.

The only argument I can see Fox giving Roku about this, would be the amount of balls it takes to sever a group such as Fox, just 3 days before one of the greatest branded cash cows in U.S. sports.

Think about it - all the money that gets poured in to making the halftime show, the various brands and their new ads, the betting houses, the teams... Americans go all out for football and spare no expense to make sure our wallets get emptied and our bellies get full.

With the clever marketing teams these days... they're getting slier by the year... I often wonder how reports say businesses are losing money. If they didn't wait for 3 specific "holidays" (Black Friday, Christmas, Super Bowl), there wouldn't be store closings.

I don't know.. I'm talking randomly now. Who's guess as to reasons behind things, I'll never understand. But I thought it was surely interesting that one day, Roku wants to change their formatting, and the next day, they double back and say sorry.


Don't get too stuffed, drunk and high off whoever wins this weekend. You still have to go to work Monday.


See also (aka the title's song lyric):
David Bowie: The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell

See also (the streaming stuff):

See also (aka articles I found interesting regarding empty wallets):

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