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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The fanboys rule again!

Well; I had an interesting morning!

One of the events that I had to set up for, and ultimately break down, was a "tech talk". I don't know what specifics were gone over during the hour and some change lecture, but I know the woman who gave the presentation was working on an iPad. With a lightning to HDMI adapter so she could project onto the big screen.

After the event was over, some of the attendees walked up to her, their iPads in hand, and asked specific questions. All answered with ease and grace, by this woman.

Except when it came down to the Apple TV app that is on some of the home screens right now.  Some one questioned why do they need it? What does it do? The woman answered by saying it allows the user to watch shows on their Apple product. But you do have to pay for it, as it is subscription based. Someone piped in saying they are using their son's Netflix. The woman said that's great, so Apple TV might not be worth it for that person. The lecturer also said that she and her husband have the physical Apple TV box, so they are able to stream shows on their television. "It's about yay big and very slim" she says.

She was trying to sell the Apple products but not sell the whole shebang to these older fruit users. Meaning, when one person asked if the app is worth getting, the woman said "only if you plan on watching shows with the Apple TV box, or if you have a smart TV, you can just mirror from your iPad". She thought it pointless that you should watch solely on your traveling screen - that if you're going to get the app and start watching stuff, get the box or mirror... relax a little and not squint. Hear a little better as well.

When these people were asking in more depth about the app and the woman was telling them how not to use it, I interjected by saying "I have a Roku and I've been able to download the app to that device. I have been watching some of the shows Apple offers".

Man, did she glare at me like I was saying lies...

Shy of saying it's impossible, she quickly started to change the subject to make the group forget I said you don't need any Apple device to download the app.... that you're able to acquire it in another streaming device.

She shut me up real quick, even though I said I can prove it works.

Some people just don't want to hear it. Whatever. Her loss for hearing someone else was able to try something different.

I'd love to know if she hands out a business card with a commission link, as her (husband / partner / man friend) is the same way. He has given me quite the few strong opinions when I've asked him simple questions. The kind of thing that makes you feel downright stupid and dirty once you get finished with them. Like his fandom runs so deep, you don't stand an iota of an ounce in a pit of quicksand, if you don't know what you're talking about.

It's like, "listen; I may have an iPhone but I'm in no way a fan of the company. I don't base my entire life on owning every single piece of machine with that brand logo on it. Yes - I've always owned Microsoft Personal Computers, all the way back when IBM was top dog and you ran everything in DOS. WordPerfect had a blue screen and you best not lose the key lock! I've owned LG, Motorola, Nokia, Qualcomm cellular phones when I was able to have a personal phone (1999). It just so happens my first smart phone was an iPhone 4S (2012). I don't like it but I don't hate it. I'm indifferent. Just don't force your blighted opinion on me and I won't force my distaste on you".

Yes, I'm totally arguing against my point because I can be seen as a Microsoft fan kid, but it's all I know. Sure, ok, I used a Macintosh way back in elementary school when we got to play Oregon Trail, but that was the only time I used the damn product before I got to college. When I had to use both an iMac G3 and a Macintosh G4 to edit videos on for my class projects. So I'm not completely immune to staying away from Apple; I've had my experiences and find it awkward to navigate. Just as I try to use my Apple Magic Keyboard for the various incarnations of smart phones. I still haven't gotten used to the key functions. Big deal.

Ok; I'm done vocalizing. I need to go do something else productive.

Until next time...


See also (aka products mentioned):

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