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Saturday, January 4, 2020

I got an ear worm

And it's Rod Stewart. For the past hour... and it's not even 9 o'clock yet... as of when I started this post.

What's the song that found its way into my head and won't go back out the way it came? (Find A) Reason To Believe. Crazy thing is Amazon's sample has the exact spot in the music where I've got lyrics floating around my brain.

To think I never really liked Rod the Mod. He's tolerable, but I just found something inexplicably not attractive about him. I can never explain it because I can't put my finger on it... there's just something about Sir Roderick Stewart that rubs me the wrong way. I've always heard his music - it's been around my house at random times, I had a guidance counselor in high school that was infatuated with him (along with Andy Garcia... to the point both men adorned a wall in the office of the woman).. I just never felt this crooner was one of those "fuck me running... I must find all his hits!" people. Just because I know most of the hits (but not a lot, if anything, from The Faces days) doesn't really make me a fan. He's a throwaway for me. Love it or hate it, he doesn't render me useless. He has some catchy lyrics, but I can't say that I'd seek out the new compilation or find him in concert. If I won't spend $150+ for Bob Dylan to perform at a local performance hall, I won't pay $75 for this dude.

Then again, I've paid close to $90 to see a 3.5 hour Elton John concert in Boston. And about the same, twice, to see Bowie. So it's not like I'm not willing to shell out cash, time and energy on men with good or decent taste (I've seen Mr. Zimmerman perform with America's favorite country pot smoker, Willie Nelson before, so Bobby D has been seen), it's just that everyone has their battles to choose and Rod isn't an artist I fight for on a regular basis.

If times or things were different, maybe I'd be sitting here saying I want to know why he is in Florida accosting people (web search it... apparently it made news this morning. I only saw the headline). But he's not my bag, lady, and your gladrag isn't something I'm gonna ride the same bus with.

Good luck getting other tunes outta your head. You're welcome.


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