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Saturday, September 11, 2021

It's been awhile...

 ...since I last posted...

Okay, Aaron Lewis, get out of my head please. 

I keep meaning to post but the last few weeks have been a bit crazy. Between a new person starting in my department at work (and subsequently training them) and being too damn tired at the end of the day to do anything, I've delayed writing on here. 

Guess old habits are new again. 

I wanted to post a few things. The first is having had a crazy town experience last weekend. 

The closest Dunkies to me is lobby only. They don't have a drive through and are currently short staffed (like the rest of the world). So going in on a Sunday morning can get a little hectic. 

However, both waiting in the long order line and then waiting in the pick up line doesn't mean hangry people can get pissier. 

What happened, you ask? 

I was knee deep in the order line. Probably number 6 and had at least 10 people behind me. Where the lobby of this Dunks can barely fit 15 on a good day, we're packing the place on a social distance day. Plus, there were only 3 staff members working at this time. 

As the line snakes in places, we all do the 1 foot forward shuffle. The type where you're trying to not block the only entrance/exit in the joint, to be able to allow people to leave, but are also trying to move with everyone to get your coffee and get the hell out.

So as the herd turns, the guy behind me was getting more hostile, the longer he waited to make his order. Every second he wasn't at the counter, he mumbled under his breath obscenities and made sure only the people around him heard his distaste for the lack of employees in the building. 

Honest to god, the guy was making it known among the few in the line, what kind of poor service was happening in front of him and what a shame it is that it isn't going quicker. In the day and age where you have to be very careful about making comments (one never knows who has enough road rage to be concealing and carrying), I wanted to turn around and tell him that if he doesn't like waiting in line, he can go to a convenience store and get his coffee. Just because the current patron is ordering 2 dozen donuts, doesn't mean we're gonna be here all day. Sure, I hate waiting in line as much as the next person, but I don't start swearing and making a small scene. 

This dude, given the opportunity, probably would have wanted to speak to management and blew up, if he could. He was at that point in the line where I'm really surprised he was only being loud enough for the people around him to hear him. There was no nice way to tell him to STFU or GTFO besides ignoring his sorry butt. 

People like him are why I can see others not going out or making less trips to places. If you have to get in a ripe mood while waiting for a coffee, make it at home and put it in a travel mug. Don't be cussing out everyone and wondering why the line is long when you can see there's three people working and a sign on the door saying they don't have enough help and have to close early every day. 

Do your part. Go in, do your order, tip if you want, thank the staff, out you go. Be fkn friendly. Please and thank you gets you everywhere. Hell, I do that when I am in the drive through at the Starbucks. they ask if they can get any food started for me while I make the whole order. I say "no food today, thank you. It's just coffee". They say sure, what can they get me? I do my order with a "may I please have" or "I'd like to order... please" and they repeat order and if there is anything else. I say "no thank you. That's it for today". My price is told to me, I drive to the window. Pay, get my coffee, wish the person well and to have a great day. Drive away. I don't complain how the certain Starbucks drive through is horrible (because it is) or that the line is long (because it is). I go about my business.

And no, I'm not trying to be a jerk and moot the whole point I'm making, in reference to the Starbucks drive through. It happens to be, that this is a brand new building (newly built). The architects didn't plan the flow correctly for the lot and subsequent traveling around the building. You've basically got to start in one parking lot, snake in front of the drive through window exit, drive around the Starbucks building / lot, swerve in to the lane for outside ordering, make your order, snake around to the pick up window. There's a lot of tight areas in between and with a constant flow of traffic, it's hard to manage if you're not careful and paying attention. Quite simply, I'm surprised there aren't accidents every day there. 

The other thing I wanted to post was pictures I took this morning. 

I had to go to the library and decided to go down the road the city has left for empty the past few months. 

Prior to the pandemic, an add on to a community was started just behind the library. Once things got shut down and materials weren't being produced as frequently, the new homes stopped being built. 

So there's this dead end street that ends with a cul-de-sac to a field of wires in the ground, as well as a dumpster, who I guess is named Trump. No joke - the blue dumpster has a name and someone named it Trump. 

See the pictures:

All pictures were taken with a Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens attached to a Canon EOS Rebel T7i (which is just in either "Renewed" state or in a bundle state now... given the fact there's a newer Rebel out there). Pictures are WYSIWYG. Just added my name.

Told you... 

So I then took a couple more photos of the area, using the same zoom lens..

It was desolate enough out there, that my car must have seemed lost from the road. Or that a car parked in the middle of a crosswalk at the end of the road must be up to no good. I'm sure people wondered what I was doing Especially since I'm standing close enough to gravel with a camera... I didn't need any trouble or anything. I could have ventured in to the space more, as the field keeps getting randomly plowed. With sandals on and some dirt piles, I didn't want to traipse any uneven areas and do something stupid. Not knowing what else is out there, or in the bushes, makes you want to stay closer to your car if you're all alone. There are rumors wild boars have been roaming around other communities in the area because those were recently built up and displaced the animals. 

Not to be confused with a group that should probably be placed somewhere to stop roaming around a love shack in a Chrysler that's as big as a whale... 

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Thanks for sharing!