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Friday, April 7, 2023

Is it the same? No. Is it similar?


I know I have talked about seeing a sticker on a car, where it is some sort of crying nocturnal animal, asking that people don't honk since they "hate it here" already. 

Well, I found a (what looks like Rocky Horror-esque) version from a completely different artist. 

Link is here

The guy goes by "Ludwig Van Bacon" and he has a lot of very "not safe for work" (NSFW) artwork, mixed with some very "safe for work" artwork. 

Aka "cute and creepy art"

Graphic nature warning in the following storefront link.

Ludwig Van Bacon storefront on Amazon

Please note / fair do's:

If you're checking this blog post out when you're not in the comfort of your own home and click on the Artist's storefront link, there will be pictures that will come up that are offensive or not politically correct for mass viewing. 

Or, you're home and are offended by NSFW / political / dark items / satire, please do not click the aforementioned Ludwig Van Bacon storefront link. 

For example, the ones that are naughty are of (mostly) nude characters in various posing. 

This includes a series called "Deer Daddy", which is a man (typically in a business suit) wearing a deer skull over his head and has a naked female pictured with him (sitting in a sexual manner).  Other naughty pictures are of genitalia parodies (like something called "KY Jellyfish" which is a drawing of a penis but is drawn to be an exaggerated jellyfish swimming). 

There are also dark images and fear mongering images, but among all of this, you'll find the positive ones include scenes from Labyrinth, Beetlejuice, The Never Ending Story, Rocko's Modern Life, and other movies or shows my generation and older might get nostalgic over. There are also cats (the "Rainbow Bridge" one is amazing for someone who has lost a pet), Al Pacino's Scarface and Brandon Lee's The Crow also are listed.  But it's not just movies and television. 
The artist seems to have an array of eye candy to sell and you really have to sift through the dark to get to the light.  

Check it out, but don't say I didn't warn you. Or, as Kate Lister (host of Betwixt the Sheets) says, you've been given your fair do's. 

Until I can scrounge some cash to buy one of the Laby prints (and buy my own house).


See also (aka extra link[s]):

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