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Sunday, April 30, 2023

It's time to start keeping the cars gassed up

 Summer is slowly creeping upon us, and with the rainy season starting to show it's ugly head, it's time to start keeping the cars full and watch for puddles. 


Because the rain comes down in buckets, quickly, almost every day. Monday starts May, which means it's the unofficial start of hurricane season, where you blink and it's June 1. Which means the warmer waters that haven't cooled off, are potentially bringing us some bad weather over the next six months. 

It started last night for us, since Miami and Fort Lauderdale area got it last month - water in places it doesn't belong. 

No, we didn't get flooded, but we got a wild and crazy super charged thunder storm over night, where this morning, the birds are still trying to sort it out. 

Over the past couple weeks, the birds have been one Cheerio short of a box of Fruit Loops, crazy. All their chirping and flittering - something is going to go down. Just don't know what.

Last night we had a storm and it's windy as all get up this morning. I actually went outside to take pictures and was watching the birds struggle to fly as the wind was prohibiting them from trying to move. It was weird to see because it looked like an unseen forces was just pushing back at the birds when all they wanted to do was go forward. 

Some of the other pictures I took, show the grey skies and it looks like snow in places, while others looked like something more ominous was trying to touch down. I had my camera set to "Landscape" so I tried to do minimal editing. 

I still haven't fully sorted out the extras on this thing, even though Amazon says its a discontinued model and they're selling it "renewed" or third parties are selling it as part of a package deal.  

One day I'll get it all checked out... One day. 

Until that happens, hopefully we won't have crazy storms and no hurricanes.

I got a jury duty summons in the mail yesterday and they're apparently placing people "on call", as I'm requested for the entire month of June. I don't know how that's going to work out, except I've got to "call June 2 to access reporting instructions for the first week". 

I haven't had jury duty since we moved here (2011). Prior to that, it was probably around 2007. Apparently I'm not doing a good job hiding if they've found me. I've got to go in Monday to work and ask about what to do, since I won't know if I'm one of the chosen until the night before. This is going to be really fun... 😕 There goes any type of day off for that month, or even the possibility of other work (not that it's been happening so quick)... 😔 This is definitely going to suck.

Guess that's it for now. Going to see what's going on in the rest of my house...


1 comment:

  1. When the rain comes down in buckets..

    it ain't the rain ya gotta worry about, those buckets can hurt! :D


Thanks for sharing!