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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dam... Tzfardeiya... Kinim... Arov...

 No; stop with the ten plagues. Rosh Hashonah is coming up in a couple weeks; not Pesach. 

I haven't seen the tree frogs yet on the shutters, so I'm hoping that's a good sign that whatever we are getting won't be so bad. 

That's not to say I wasn't woken up a few times in the night for "URGENT!" "CRITICAL!" alerts on my phone via the Weather app. During the day today, my watch kept tasing my wrist because the storm surge warnings and watches / tropical storm warnings and watches / tornados and every other thing in between was coming in. 

The storm hasn't even gotten to the Keys yet, and the electronic devices were going bonkers. 

I had my little handy dandy speaker plugged into my computer at work and we listened to the local live streams of various news stations in my office, until it started to be on repeat. There was too much office drama happening to really invest anything into the background noise of the news. So off the speaker went at 2. 

As of right now, we're just going to get the dirty side of things - lots of heavy wind, rain, flooding. But not the damage of a hurricane. Just the residuals. 

Which may explain why the animals are still around.

Then again, whatever part of the storm we're getting, won't come knocking on our door (Come and knock on our door / We've been waiting for you) (sorry; squirrel) until sometime around 8am tomorrow morning. Which means I most likely won't be going to work. There's no way in hell I'm going to attempt to drive across town without knowing how bad it's going to be. I also don't want to be stuck down there and the storm start later in the morning, as they're predicting could happen. The area my work is in, floods on a dime during normal rainy season, and my driving a Hyundai Accent, all I have to say is "nope". I've got caught in too many messes down there already. I'm not risking my life during a tropical storm. I risk it enough in the summer during a normal rain. 

So I'll stay home and work on reading A Taint in the Blood: A Novel of the Shadowspawn by S.M. Stirling and hope to finish it soon. I had read the first chapter before I got Rachael's book out of the library, so now I'm trying to finish this one. 

I've totally been out of the loop for vampire history, because this book I'm reading now is about vamps and privilege. When I was watching Young Dracula, they had a butler named Renfield. I didn't think anything of it. Now that I'm reading A Taint in the Blood, they mention Renfields a lot. Like I said, I'm not current anymore on lore, so I had to do some digging (sometimes I'm not the brightest and I forget things). A Renfield is Dracula's (or any vampire's) human servant (familiar) that the V can manipulate to their advantage (promised immortality). Because Renfield can do things in the light, they are responsible for upkeep of things - acquiring specific items that the vampire needs (victims, etc). But, they aren't like normal humans. They don't survive on typical food; usually it's bugs and insects (as Bram Stoker wrote about) but in the case of S.M Stirling, it seems like the human in this story eats like everyone else does - normal food. 

I don't want to delve into too much spoiler details, but I am actually enjoying this novel. I should try to put the other books in the series on my library list, so I can read them when I'm done, much like I did when I had the Lilith Saintcrow / Dante Valentine oopsie (I had bought book three by mistake and didn't realize it was book three). So it's better to read things in order!! 

But yeah, I might be reading a lot tomorrow, depending on how the weather turns (not the world) and how my back makes out because I've been sitting a lot lately. Some people are saying we'll be fine, some are saying not. If we can make it through the entire day with out the power going out, that will be excellent as it's been still humid as all get up. There will be no air circulation if we could open the windows since the shutters are blocking the screen. 

With my tub filled and a pot of water filled "just in case", we're going to play it by ear tonight and tomorrow. My car is hidden in a garage and our garage will have the carabineers put on in the morning. We're as ready as we will be and really are putting it out there that we get nothing. 

If anything, a couple people I work with (and myself) would love for some things to happen to specific people, but I can only allude to it, as it can be read as I'm starting trouble, and I'm not. Karma can come reverse and bite me in the ass. So I'll just say "I hope some people get salty cake and some people get sweet cake. You won't know until you eat it" and I'll try to update when I can.

Stay safe


See Also:
* I quoted the "Three's Company" theme song from the 1977 television show of the same name.

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