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Sunday, September 8, 2024

It's a laser show without the trippy music

Decades ago, I went to a Bar Mitzvah. It was one of those big elaborate celebrations that the Mitzvah Boy in question had his party take the family from Pennsylvania to New York and back to PA. Only challenge was that the bus ride to New York just didn't do a tour of Times Square. We stopped at some multi level facility where each floor was its' own theme and the kids went wild for it. The overall trip ended with a laser show with the music set to Pink Floyd. 

Which apparently is a big thing, not that I would know. I don't follow the band, but I do happen to own a few singles. I know a general first level "I think" information about this long standing band, but not enough to delve into any conversation that doesn't make me look foolish.

I do have to say, based on other "big things I've heard", most people have have a basic understanding of some sort of conspiracy about playing The Dark Side of the Moon while watching (on mute) Wizard of Oz. Apparently, you get some epic synchronicity for the first 50 or so minutes of the film, but you have to start it at the exact right nanosecond for it to work. This idea has many references of title, so I'm sure if you research it, you can find it. I can't confirm how amazing it is, as I've never tried it. However, I've read that there are some "wow" moments. Overall, it's a damn good time. Or at least for the first half. Nothing I've heard says to play the album on repeat for the entire duration (unlike I recently read The Wall pairs well with Wall-E, and that's one where you can repeat the music).

Comparing "stoner type music" to movies is not why I'm writing. I'm writing because we had our own laser light show the other night and I didn't have any music to play. 

The video has my mother watching some political news update on the television instead of a band playing through the flashy booms. I should have had her mute the talking box, but I didn't think about it. So when I moved from the living room to her bedroom, there's a darker shift and quieter shift in the background, even though I've put music behind it all (including at the clubhouse when the pickleball players were playing).

Squirrel note: Since we are still in rainy / hurricane season, it's only fitting that we've been getting crazy thunder boom booms lately. A few times the sky clapped so badly, it shook the building I was in. We thought a tree or something fell on the roof. When my mother texted me she said it felt like canons going off, I knew it wasn't just where I happened to be at the time. 

Back to why I'm posting: The storm from the other night started out with my leaving the gym and seeing some very menacing clouds approaching, and by the time I got home and out of the shower, a light show was popping.

Had I took the thought to set up my Canon Rebel EOS T7i, I would have gotten some still photos to add to the video below instead of using just my phone, I would have.

Therefore, all videos were taken on an iPhone 11 and edited in Pinnacle Studio. I threw over stock music that Pinnacle provides. 

I have to point out that when I'm in the bedroom filming in the dark, the iPhone likes to color manage, where night time scenes are lit more when you are on normal settings. It doesn't matter if it's a photo or video; regular mode means night time stuff has more light filtration. Zoom in or out, the color magic doesn't happen so dark is dark and overly light is overly light. That's why I ended up going back and forth in filming, where the sky looked more muddy blue, and then it went to more dark or black, so you see the lightning better. My zooms are noticeable. In the living room, you see everything, including my shadow on the lanai window, and I make a point to say that too. LOL. 

Also, the video is a quick edit reel. "Really quick edit" for almost 7 minutes, haha. I was originally filming snippets to send to a few friends up in New England. One of them recently had a vacation down here, and was able to see some of the storms in action, but seeing how he loves nature, I wanted him to see the newest fire strikers. He had been in the state for the building shaking storm, so now it was a little more to see instead of feel. We joke that with all the rumblings Florida gets, plus my friend's love of nature, we should be Thunder Buddies and neither of us will be scared of bad things that can happen. 

Yes, I know there's a lot of mixed thoughts with the idea of being someone's thunder buddy, and I also know where it came from. You just have to have a sense of humor some times. Make the best of it. So we do. 

I've circled around long enough with this post, that I think you'll "get the picture" about an early September storm. 

Apologies for any remnants of an error arrow in the video. I've got an old laptop I'm working on and sometimes upscaling or converting doesn't go easily on this thing. I try to edit out the errors, but sometimes I miss them or make the video worse. One of these days I'll get an updated rig...


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