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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I still can't believe...

 ... the tree frogs haven't shown up yet on the storm shutter in the kitchen. 

This storm must be a doozy if there has been no action at the window. It's so weird because I've noticed a frog for Irma and a frog for Ian. Maybe because this is not an "I" storm, there's no amphibian hanging around.

Milton decided he wanted to be a 4 instead of a five for a little while, as well as put the storm surge down to 3-6 feet of water. Well, he decided to do some internal housekeeping and moved some stuff around. Now he's back up to a five and upped the storm surge to 8-12 feet at the peak of the storm surge, especially along the coast. It needs to weaken some how in order for the numbers to go down.

Sanibel has officially closed down. There's a mandatory evacuation and 24 hour curfew. With the curfew brings arrests. Sanibel police have said anyone who is caught on the island, even as a resident, you're going to be arrested because you're not supposed to be out. As it is, you're supposed to have moved to another part of the state for this storm. So if you're out and about, expect to see the inside of a jail cell because you're officially trespassing. 

Things are getting a little more serious and stuff is being shut down. City water for example on the beach areas are going to have low pressure systems until further notice. We aren't under that yet, but I'm sure something will be said, if anything. 

There are still quite a few people in our community. It's nice to see that, and we all hope for the best. Power outage is going to happen, we just don't know when. 

News is saying now Alligator Alley is still bumper to bumper. Expect 2-4 times longer to get through it. East bound, southbound. People are going to Miami and Fort Lauderdale. It's going to be hours before people arrive in another area. However, 75 is officially back to not being bumper to bumper. So those going north, might have a fair shake, but don't stay long in Sarasota area; that's where Milton is expected to land now. Bradenton area will be destroyed, they think. It's not Tampa anymore as predicted. News said the storm shifted south a bit, but not in the good way they'd want. 

I can't even think at the moment. It's already been a long day, and it's only 8:30. I think I'm going to shut down all my tech and just try to breathe. I'll check in when I can. 

Be safe and dry.


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