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Friday, November 11, 2011

I want the past 139 minutes of my life back

And my dollar twenty.

I was watching Deconstructing Harry when it was suggested we try watching The Tree Of Life, a movie that was rented via Redbox this morning. Okay, since I was only 20 minutes into the Woody Allen movie, and this 2011 rental looked interesting.

Boy, was I wrong. The only thing promising about the movie was the synopsis. Everything else was just plain "W.T.F". It seemed that out of 50 minutes I was able to watch, maybe 15 had dialogue and 10 was actually viewable.

There really is no good way to sum up how awful this movie really is. I can only suggest that if you want a slow moving, not at all like the summary, film, that you rent it. Otherwise, keep it off your list.

Even though this movie had big name stars - Brad Pitt, Sean Penn,  Jessica Chastain, and Fiona Shaw, this film can not be saved. Not even the religious and scientific (come to find out) aspect could rectify how cheated I felt from thinking this was going to be somewhat decent (I'm not much a Pitt fan).

1/10 stars, and that's asking alot.

Jack, the wide-eyed, 11-year-old, eldest son of a 1950s-era Midwestern family, loses his innocence after encountering sickness, suffering and death for the first time. He finds himself caught between his mother, who views the world with love and mercy, and his father, whose severity in teaching his son self-reliance leaves a lasting impression on Jack. Approximately 40 years later, an adult Jack is a lost soul in the modern world, still struggling to reconcile the complicated relationship with his father, and still grappling for answers to life's eternal questions.
      (synopsis courtesy Redbox)

This movie has officially made me a fan of Woody Allen.
