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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Guess who's back | Spying on the neighbors

Toad: It's what's for dinner.

Yesterday morning when it came down to setting up the market at work, my team mate said "the frog is back!!" and lo and behold, he gained weight! Someone's been eating the fire ants.

Alas, he's back, hanging out on a vendor chair. Even one of the early vendors joked "is someone charging him table rent?" and we laughed at it. Considering this thing has been lounging on the chair every Friday like it's going out of style. Don't know what it is that keeps him coming our way, but he won't leave. Wonder what it takes for him to find a new home?

* Frog photos are WYSIWYG taken on an iPhone 6S

Later in the day, I had to pick up some tables in an apartment building. No big deal; something I do all the time. The difference? I had a helper with me, so I had him pick the furniture up while I went to count chairs on one of the floors. We store chairs all around the community I work for, as some of these buildings need a few here and there.

Well, I made my way up to the second floor balcony of the common area, and what did I find?  Two telescopes. One larger one (from Sears, no less) and one smaller one. What's the problem? The place these tripod peepers are located, are facing another building. Which means the residents of this complex are spying on their neighbors. Guess they need something to do during bad weather?

Before anyone gets up in arms about my insinuations over what's really going on, I am seriously hoping my readers are taking the thought as a joke. I know the people aren't watching for anything raunchy. All it takes is a tilt of the lens and you're looking at the sky. There are really too many trees in the way to really get a good look at a unit across the parking garage.

Take a look for yourself and make your own speculations:
(taken on an iPhone 6S. WYSIWYG)

Yes, I know I didn't get a proper vantage point of the parking lot, but it's a lot more fun to "make shit up" when you can. ッ😉

I guess that's it for now. Whatever you do, don't hurt yourself and try not to look into the wrong window...


See Also:
Title reference (Guess Who's Back - Eminem: Without Me (Album Version) [Explicit])
Title reference (spy theme: Surf Rock - Los Straitjackets - Espionage)
Title reference (spy theme: Classic TV - Dominik Hauser - Secret Agent Man (From the Original Score to "Danger Man"))
Telescopes - via Amazon

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Thanks for sharing!