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Sunday, July 29, 2018

"Sunrise, sunset"

Not to be confused with a "שאַדכן, שאַדכן" (matchmaker, matchmaker) type of scenario, but for some reason, Sunrise, Sunset popped in my head. It has no relevance to my sunrise pictures in the sense that no one is getting married, but sometimes I like to nick borrow words from lyrics. 

Sunrise pictures taken on a Friday morning (as usual) and given the team meeting we had Friday afternoon, this may be the last set of photos I take, as my shift has changed an hour. Instead of going in at 7 for market setup, I'm going in at 8 for regular duties.

All photos taken on an iPhon 6S. WYSIWYG

Unlike that part of waking up this morning to baby, if you ever wondered. Wondered whatever became of me. I'm living on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati, WKRP. I'm just a mash of things today.

Yes, I had the WKRP theme song in my head. Just when I wanted to look for a walkman and try to record that Power Rap tape to my computer.

I knew I had some sort of cassette player somewhere in my storage closet. It was a matter of finding it.

I did.

From what I can find on Amazon, this particular model doesn't exist anymore, in terms of "new". Someone is selling it for $10 with $4.77 shipping. Similarly, there is a Prime purchase of $24.74 and it's a slightly different model.

Either way, I tried the version I have, and it failed. I went into Audacity, started the tape, let it run and then tried to edit it in the end. Well.... the player is busted. Even with new batteries. Yes; it turns, it makes the typical whirring noises, but it just doesn't play.

Steven Tyler once suggested "just push play", which I did. Talk about a dummy version.

But the whole thing gives a really bad signal wave and just doesn't have any music coming out. Unless you count mechanical noise as music. I even tried plugging my computer speakers into the headphone jack. Same problem.

Guess it wasn't meant to be... unless I tear out my full recording studio and try to mess around with it. Then it comes down to "why? For what?" because I'm not tearing out my record collection; I've got no space for it. I need to move and create a music room from a bedroom. Until that happens, things are going to remain quiet.

Have a good Sunday.


See Also (aka various artists trying their hand at Sunrise, Sunset):

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