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Thursday, July 26, 2018

"Work, work work..."

This morning I had to be at work at 7:30 to help put an indoor bocce game away. While I was waiting for my team mate (because we can't seem to get on the same page on how to put the planks away), I was outside and was watching the lagoon. I decided to take some pictures and although WYSIWYG, they came out really interesting.

All pictures taken on an iPhone 6S:

The other thing I wanted to share, and wish I had thought of taking video when I said "I'm totally blogging this!" is we got a "finders keepers, losers weepers" mail today in the department. It's been lost on the Island for a few days, but probably has been sitting in a back corner of an office for over a week. I noticed it yesterday.

It's on Amazon as "Voice Amplifier with Microphone Headset 18W Portable Bluetooth Speaker Megaphone Loudspeaker Voice Recording Power Bank Waterproof IPX5 for Outdoor Activities, Shower, Teaching (Blue-Wired)" and is actually quite fascinating.

Because it's Bluetooth, it can connect to other BlueTooth devices (like our smart phones or tablets), and can be hooked to something like a CD player for those old school kids (even my boss asked "what about an 8 track???" I laughed and said "probably. But you need a mixer at this point"). Seems for our purposes, we can use it to substitute the Chattervox some days for meetings. We were testing it out today, and my team mate said "it goes from zero to 100 in no time" as far as the volume is concerned. Although you can use the volume buttons on your device to lower or raise the music, the music can go from mute to 11 in one click, unfortunately. It's not meant to be used in a small office with the door closed, that's for sure. It'd be more for a big room of people and you want to hide the speaker somewhere out of sight. Would be worth taking out to parties or the beach in a big group. Small, intimate settings, no, unless you plan on using the headset microphone and giving a lot of speeches. Then the volume control on the actual speaker comes in to play. Headset sounds great for what it is, and I wouldn't suggest turning it too loud or you face screeching feedback. Learned that lesson at my desk, playing with it. Across the room were 5 tables of people playing card games.

I guess that's about it for now. Maybe if we have time tomorrow, I'll see if I can take a video of this new toy and upload it.

Until then, Happy Thursday!


See Also (aka music I was jamming to while writing | aka a lyric in the post title):
Escape to Margaritaville (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

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Thanks for sharing!