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Thursday, November 28, 2019

It's national bird day

Happy Thanksgiving to those poultry loving humans. I'm currently sitting in a kitchen in Sarasota, Florida, waiting for the cooking to begin and people to arrive.

As per usual, we are at a relative's house for the bird feast. It's a matter of things actually being reheated, so I'm told, and it won't start happening for another 3 hours. What the hell am I going to do for three hours? One person is in the other room on his computer, two people are outside in the sun, and I'm in the dark kitchen on my laptop because that's the only place that has a plug for my computer.

I guess I could see if some of my shows from this past week are uploaded online to their respective channels, as I ended up watching a zombie show on the drive here.

I saw some funny cartoons to remind us all what day it is, and I wanted to share them. Also wanted to know if anyone has checked out Black Friday deals yet and what looks pretty good. Amazon has been toting stuff all week but I've not been on the site looking for anything. There's really nothing I need at the moment, even though some of the electronic bundles look interesting (Echo Dot 3rd Generation + Smart Plug for $26.99 today only. It goes back to $74.98 soon). I'm wondering if some of the external media sale is good as well...?

I don't shop that often so I really don't know if these prices are amazingly awesome and I'm stupid for not wanting to go troll through circulars or sites. I see it like this: If I want it, I'll buy it. Or I'll do research enough to then buy it.

I guess it's a good way to know what you're getting yourself into and why it's the price it is. We all know how retail raises prices, very slowly, a few weeks before Thanksgiving, only to slash prices and making you think you got a deal. Ever the more reason to watch items

Speaking of watching items, I keep forgetting to post about some webbed chairs we have in our garage. Last weekend when I was going through stuff, I took down some lawn chairs, which happen to be rainbow. What's with this multicolor fascination lately? My mom had mentioned I should try to sell a certain bunny logo'd items on a certain auction site because they are taking up space and we don't use them.

But I went to Amazon to find something completely different.

Because I got distracted.

I found our chairs are selling for $39.54 to $59.99. We have various colors like Amazon is selling and when I told my mom, she couldn't believe the green chairs we have would be worth $60.

Who knew??

The rainbow ones we own, the photos take with an iPhone 11.


Until later when I decide to post some real pictures from today...


* cartoons found online *



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Thanks for sharing!