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Saturday, November 6, 2021

Halloween is over...

 ... but the more I wear my Nightmare Before Christmas shirts and see leftover lawn decorations, the more I have the Citizens of Halloween singing their opening sequence from the movie going around my head. 

No, the spider doesn't sing, but the lights do move inside the back. I took the photos one morning this past week, while I had to leave for work early enough that I still got a darkness shot. Photos captures on an iPhone 11. No edits but putting my name on them. 

The spider almost looks like it could be this one from Amazon.

Now that we are a full week into November, the big blowups gone from the community. Everyone has left their autumn fare out that doesn't scare the junk out of people. This includes little corn husk children (scarecrows) and signs to "welcome fall". We don't put out much decorations at my door, except a little corn husk scarecrow. It's fake enough that we can reuse it year to year. Considering we also don't get trick or treaters at this house, it works out. 

Gone are the days when 3 or 4 bags of candy were bought and we'd sell out almost an hour into a 2 hour porch hangout. Now we've been reusing the same cheap plastic rings for a decade because no one comes down our street. No, it's not because we're using the rings for candy. It's really because no one rings doorbells in the condos. 

Gotta make better use of time, I suppose. 

Which brings me to the next find.

The golf club has a very fancy decoration sitting at the end of the outside restaurant. 

It's a Gibson Home Golf Ball BBQ Steel Grill with Wood Handle. The guy that bought it and is displaying it, said he bought it for ridiculously low money at a flea market. He loved it so much, that he has it hanging out on the counter while he serves food from the back kitchen. 

While he may have paid less than $15 for it, it shows what the internet has going on. Amazon has it for $62.98 from two sellers. Wayfair has it for 34.99. eBay is around $36. So it's a matter of doing your research and seeing what's available. 

It's a cute little grill none the less, but is it worth it to make stuff on it? Maybe if you're camping or tailgating, but why buy a golf ball? If you're pre-gaming in a parking lot, you're going to pick something to cook on that matches the sport. Like a football or soccerball. But then again, hikers are more apt to find their own usable materials as they pitch their home for the night. 

So is it truly useable / does it make sense to haul it around to cook on? Maybe once or twice, but I wouldn't make it a habit. It's better as a decoration than an actual maker, honestly. 

But to each his own... 

Happy Saturday and stay hungry and creepy.


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