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Friday, November 19, 2021

Interesting combination

 Yesterday at work, a big meeting ended. It was the type of meeting that had all sorts of snackies and drinkies. Including the big "box of coffee: to go" containers of various Panera Bread hot coffee. Hazelnut, decaf, light roast. We're talking enough java to replant the trees. 

As at least 8 out of 10 boxes were still completely full (I'm counting hot water here), my co-worker and I snagged a couple boxes before housekeeping either dumped everything out or took it themselves. 

I brought my three boxes home and let me tell you: The event started at 11am. Even putting the boxes in the fridge at work and then traveling home with me, the coffee was still hot by 5pm. Whatever insulation those bags are made of within the boxes that is wrapped around them.. somebody is banking on the concept. 

Anyway, you don't want to know how hard it is to figure out how to get three giant pouches of liquid in your refrigerator without feeling guilty... like you're a greedy piggy and you should have just left them where you found them. Dumb move to take three. Should have taken one, as we did try pouring a single box into pitchers. 3 single quart jugs plus 2 trays of ice for iced coffee later, we now only have two bags laying down on a shelf.

So by freezing a tray of the Panera Bread Coffee, Light Roast (again, because that's all that was there at the event), I took those cubes this morning and used them as an ice substitute for my morning smoothie. I added one whole frozen banana, coconut water (I used Kirkland... which is the Costco brand) and the suggested two scoops of the Orgain Organic Protein + Superfoods Powder, Vanilla Bean, it came out interesting. Oh, and it's all in a Black and Decker (BL12475G) Crush Master Blender (which is currently considered "vintage" and "antique"... guess we've had it too long, It's still a powerful workhorse, though).

While I sit here and type this post, I've actually been able to finish the drink since it's been about 25 minutes. The challenge with adding the coffee, especially home made frozen chunks of it, is that there's a weird after taste for the cubes while mixed in this drink. I've noticed that before when I've made ice cubes from coffee. Somehow the air in the freezer mixes weirdly with the open top tray. It's been noticeable all the years I've been a coffee drinker. For some reason, to me, the coffee has a strange taste to it when mixed with cubes of it's own brethren. Maybe it's a sign to not be cannibalistic with what you're imbibing in? 

Either way, I'm going to try it again tomorrow, as I really need to start being creative with all this. I don't need the sink piggy (garbage disposal) to get itself worked up and energized over a few gallons of caffeine....

Stay healthy and hydrated. Time to get ready for work!


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Thanks for sharing!