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Monday, February 21, 2022

It's got to be a building...

I had the opportunity to be at work really early again today, so I figured I would look for that blue light in the sky this morning. 

As before, it couldn't be seen shining as bright as the first time, but I did catch it again via my iPhone. I think it's because the first morning was more densely foggy than the second and third catch, but nonetheless I've got some more pictures to add. 

Again, much like the last round, I did nothing to warp these pictures except put my name on them. There is no camera trickery and no additives. Just straight capture. 

Which still begs the question of why everything is in sharp focus but I've got potential light flares in a couple of the pictures. 

The whole middle of the sky has a line of stars or something moving across. 

It wasn't a shooting star, that is for sure. 

I only say that because it's too odd to have taken "all these" pictures back to back and basically have the same type of flare up over the same general area. 

Considering my last post actually has a picture where I did do intentional movement, so you see what the lights do when the bouncing happens. Which then makes the "shooting star" concept weird because the middle of the photos are the only places where things are moving. 

Sure, I've changed positions to capture everything and I feared dropping my $800 (@ the time of purchase) phone off the eighth floor of a high rise building (plus I'm already shaky as it is.. imbalance issue and all), but it shouldn't give a central shake like you see. The whole photo would be wonky.

I don't know; maybe it is a new building out there in the ocean. It kind of looks that way if you really zoom in, but I don't know anyone who would know what is out there. I've got no friends here or people that do a lot of running around and adventuring. Plus, depending on where you stand on campus, you can look out one of the tall buildings and see marsh land and mangroves. 

So maybe there's a discotheque for the swamp ape out in them watery fields. I'll never know unless I find a person with a boat and get over my fear of propelled vessels....


Oh, and since when can you tell Alexa to pop your Orville Redenbacher? Now we're getting lazy... 

Except, someone posted a really funny meme:

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