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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

That was "fun" while it lasted...

Enter the sarcasm and eye roll here. 

Last night I went to go watch something on the History Channel app on my Roku (the 3 is currently a refurbished model). Little did I realize, the Comcast email we "get to keep" while using Hotwire, no longer allows me the option to use it to sign in to the apps to watch shows. 

Meaning, when we had a Comcast account, I was listed as the secondary user and had my own username and email. I was able to sign in to all the apps we had a "subscription" to, and watch the shows. Since we don't subscribe to Comcast anymore, I received the following message when trying to access an app:

When I tried to access Fox (to watch Family Guy), I was given a free 4 minute preview pass. 

Which meant I was logged out. Try to log back in with my Comcast email, I got the same message I got for the History Channel.

So 18 out of 48 apps I've got on my Roku need to be uninstalled. Having the free profile (thru my Gmail and not my Comcast) doesn't get me anywhere because I am not paying for the service. Which is why I can't use the Comcast email - I am not a subscriber to them anymore.

I did see an option to log in with Hotwire, but I am not a user on the account (my mother is the user). The challenge now with Hotwire and me not being linked to it, is if I were to somehow call Hotwire on her behalf for any reason, would they talk to me since I'm not listed anywhere? One of the reasons I was a secondary user on the Comcast account was for times I needed to call for something - whether it was a billing issue, an outage, or something different. If I'm not listed on Hotwire, I can't do anything. 

There is no option to have any other users added, it seems. My mother said that there's a representative from the local area at our community clubhouse every week, so I intend on going up this week to ask him about adding another user. 

You might ask "why don't you use your mother's screen name to log in to everything?" because she asked that too. It's because I'd like to know I have access to the account - if my name is also listed, again, I can contact them for questions if needed. When she heard that, she said "good luck calling them. I don't think they have a call center". 

People have already commented online saying it's hard to talk to a real person when you call Hotwire because it seems like humans don't exist for this company. Other issues were raised regarding the technology we are using. If a box breaks or something happens to a remote, where can you go to get a new one? There's no local Hotwire facility like there is a Comcast store (out by Kohl's.. which is the "closest" one). Allegedly there is a building in Naples and Estero, but it might just be a front so that the workers have a place to clock in or out of, as well as park their personal vehicle. It might not be a returns center. 

So it's a little tricky trying to figure out how "real" the company is, when there's not a lot of information on the Internet about it, plus some searches come up with the travel site. Word to the wise: don't name your company something similar to another business or you're not going to be found. 

I knew this moment would happen, though - not being able to log in to the apps to use them. When we were told we were switching companies, I kept asking if I'd still be able to use the apps, and every technician from Hotwire both assured and not assured me nothing changes (mainly because I don't think they knew what I was really asking). I hope the representative can give me some information about secondary users, otherwise I can say goodbye to saved lists, tracked shows, and any quick binging. 

It's bad enough I've been continually booted from the free Xfinity Wi-Fi sprays on my phone... having a Comcast email gets you nowhere if you don't have any of the services.... 

But that's another subject for another time. I need to get up and started for my day.


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