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Saturday, March 25, 2023

It's the fall of the American Dream?

I'm sitting in my room, minding my business, staring at my laptop. Since my desk faces my window, I can see directly outside and watch things happen pass me by.

Well, as I'm working on a webpage, I see something quickly move in the bushes. It was big and swift enough that I thought maybe some birds were fighting out there, because they do that sometimes. They like to chase each other. 

However, it being 90° outside, I don't think they're doing anything extra. So I look out and lo and behold, the flag fell from its holder. There must have been some wind that passed by, as I was watching the trees in the back go through some heavy swaying before. 

My upstairs neighbor thought she'd be honoring our neighbor after the hurricane and put up a flag on her apartment. She hadn't had any interest in hanging one prior to the storm (she is an original owner - 19 years and counting), but once she saw him do so much for the neighbors while we all were dealing with the aftermath, she went out and bought everything (well, Ed went out because he could get what was needed from the VA and she just paid him back). She then had Ed hang it up, and now it's been out since she's been home (she was out of state from December to January). 

I'm not going out and fixing it as it's not my flag to fix. Yes, the longer I don't say anything, the longer it stays disrespectful, but if I weren't sitting here, it'd be laying in the bushes regardless. Plus, she and I aren't top on each other's lists right now as we had some not so great conversations after we got back to normal from Ian. So let it sit. It's not my deal.

All said and done, it's not stopping me from writing about it and taking pictures. Again, I know by "ignoring" it, I'm not doing anyone any favors, but I'd rather let it sit there than say something. #Pettyneighbors

Oh well. I'm sure a friend or two might have something to say about this... and it won't be for me to go fix it... it'll be the conspiracy type stuff. But I'll leave that to their own private messages.

Until I hear from them... 

Don't touch the hot metal until dark.


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Thanks for sharing!