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Sunday, March 26, 2023

"Take a little trip, take a little trip"

"Take a little trip and see
Take a little trip, take a little trip
Take a little trip with me"
War. Low Rider from the "Why Can't We Be Friends?" album. 1975

Today we had company from the East Coast. Since the friend hasn't visited in well over a year, she wanted to see some areas of the city that got hit from the hurricane. We've talked about the challenges faced within limits, she's seen pictures, but she wanted to see some places we've taken her in person. 

So off we went to the Outlets towards Sanibel, the next block which is the retirement community, back around to ice cream (because it's 90° and why not?) and into another outlet mall. 

This was the first time since the hurricane my mother and I have travelled down to the Outlets and just past the area. We haven't ventured past the beach Walmart because we know the Outlets were destroyed and they still want only Sanibel (and Fort Myers Beach in the other direction) traffic crossing the bridges while the state is still trying to fix everything. Less tourist, more hyper local residents the better. 

After seeing what the areas look like, it's no wonder why I was told by someone to not go towards Sanibel unless you really have to. It's still looking a little war zony, but since we were in the car, all my pictures are blurs. I tried to get the better of the best, and after 270 something pictures, I made out with 39 that are okay enough to post. I could probably do without some of them, but at least you get the idea. 

All photos taken with my (now discontinued but sold as refurbished online) Canon EOS Rebel T7i camera. I did nothing but a quick sharpen to the photos and add my name to them. Again, we were in the car and my mother has tints on her windows. 

The ice cream shop we went into is a fan favorite and is always packed no matter what time of year. There are so many flavors and combinations to choose from, and I decided to go for something new. 

The Cold Brew Float.

I chose coconut ice cream for the "choose your ice cream" part and wow, I made an interesting choice! I wanted something that would compliment the coffee, so some crazy flavor might have killed the coffee effect. The sweetness of the coconut (with good size shreds for coconut) really made the coffee a little too sweet, but when it completely mixed together, it was definitely a change from what I normally am used to (straight coffee with creamer). As I got to the end of the drink and all that was left was clumps of coffee flavored ice, the ice chips were more on the bitter coffee side than the sweet brew I was drinking. It wasn't horrendous, but I would probably try another flavor in it if I were to get it again. My friend Shawn thought mint chip when I told him about it, and even though that would be good too, I told him you want an ice cream that would compliment the coffee.. not take away. He agreed and I wasn't going to tell him he was wrong, because I see his point too. I think the mint would throw off the flavor, but again, something to think about. 

They did have a sign at the bathrooms, that a lot of patrons were taking pictures of. It's "Just Please Wash Your Hands Sign - Inclusive Sign for Bathroom Door and is really all inclusive for those who feel like sticking it to the current governor for all the stupid bills he's trying to pass. 

But as per usual, I'm not trying to make a political statement by calling out certain things our country does, because I'm not looking to get shut down. I do feel like there are a lot of instances where those who "lead" us aren't doing what's in the best interest of the general population and are only pulling stunts to get certain votes. What's happening in Florida is just that - the appeasement of a certain side of the political spectrum that will completely destroy the future of all the generations to come once an elected official gets higher in office and continues down the "are you serious????" path he is on. 

Let's just say that I've got friends who have had first hand experiences in certain aspects of what's being shut down in schools as well as myself being a product of what's now the banned books society. I read some of them in my lifetime and I'm fine. 

I think.

Well I guess I will call it a night. Hopefully things get better tomorrow.


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