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Friday, June 16, 2023

"OMG what's happening????"

I'm in the kitchen this morning, talking with my mother, the news is on. She's making her breakfast, I'm making my smoothie. I look over to the window and see a Cuban Tree Frog scaling the top glass. 

I quickly stopped what I was doing and said to my mom "look!" and we're both like "what the ..." . So I ran and got my phone because I know there was no way to hook my Canon up so quickly, especially since I've got to get ready for work. And take the rest of the trash out. 

Keep in mind, this is happening before 7am. 

So I grab my phone and get the step stool close to the window because at this point, the frog had managed to get to the top right of the window. He desperately tried to get himself as little as he could in that corner, but failed miserably. He attached himself to the side of the window and stayed there for a few minutes - long enough for me to take 3 photos - because then he jumped launched himself into the bushes. 

I then texted my friends the pictures with the following comment:

"Omg, what's happening... something's coming. We only get the frogs on the windows when we get hurricanes and the shutters are closed. 

I just saw this guy walk across the kitchen window and make his way to the corner. He couldn't get in the corner enough to be hidden. He tried his might to get small.

Once he noticed me taking photos he jumped into the bushes."

One friend thought maybe something is brewing out in the ocean. I responded to that saying news hasn't commented on it yet. Another friend just thought it was cool. 

Either way, my mom even joked that the next step is locusts. Ma, we did this already, 9 months ago. The joke has passed over us already. 

All joking aside, it's true. We don't see these guys unless the storm shutters are closed and locked and we're expecting a storm. The bufo toads are the ones we'd normally see out and about, but the tree frogs? Nope, they only come out and show themselves prior to a pending storm. 

Something must be coming if you believe in any type of signs...

Stay vigilant...


* * * Side note: it's already feeling like 94° before 7:30. It's going to be another humid one day.  * * *

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Thanks for sharing!