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Monday, January 27, 2025

"There's time I need direction | There's time I need to roam"

I heard a song on one of the folk stations on Sirius the other day. It's called "Arrow" by a band called The Head and The Heart. It's a fairly new single for them, but this is the first time I'm hearing the band. They definitely have a unique sound for being listed as "Alternative/Indie". 

I had to look for it because it's catchy and you can find yourself singing along to it if you listen to it a few times. It might be one of those workout songs in the near future - the type that pop up on a playlist while you're running (outside or on a treadmill). It's got that much of an upbeat, for being an "interplay of how you see yourself vs how the world sees you" (according to a Facebook post about the song).

Since I don't know anything about them, outside a quick internet search regarding "Arrow", the results say the band has been together since 2009 and are out of Seattle, Washington (surprise but no surprise). They've had a tiny hiccup in changing band members, but from the most part, have stayed the same in their lineup. When I searched for them on Amazon, the website suggests The Revivalists as a related artist. I've heard of The Revivalists, so I must be searching something okay? 

As I type this post up, I'm listening to other songs. They're a very chill band; low key enough that you can just let them play on background and soak in the lyrics. There's nothing fancy about them, nothing outrageous. They're not screaming or loud, they're just here. I think I need to acquire their albums and add their songs to my collection. I've found a new band to listen to.

I've also got some pictures to post. Last night, I took my iPhone 11 outside at a couple different times and took images of the sky. All because my mother was like "The planets are aligning tonight; go see if you can see them". Instead, due to the way the phone can take night shots, I think I got Orion instead. It is winter, after all, and that's always a constellation I look for. 

I didn't do any editing, except put my name on the photos (using Photoshop).I know it's only seven, but I was out at two different times. I don't like standing out in the dark for a long time here, and I'm not going to get into reasons why. But I'm willing to go out for a few minutes and take pictures as needed. For as much as I love to use my Canon T7i, I don't keep it all together. It takes longer to put the battery, camera card and lenses on and then dismantle everything. It's no excuse, I know that. I'd prefer to use the DSLR when I can, but due to my little issues about being outside, it isn't worth it.

I keep everything separate because I read once that if you leave the battery in the camera, it can do more harm than good. If the battery leaks or the camera gets hit, you're going to have more problems than anything else. It's safer to leave the battery out due to the lithium ION properties. Things can go south quick. With the camera card, it's not the same, but it can still get caught or zapped or anything else. If you want your toys to last long, you have to take good care of them. I know that from experience because I accidently dropped the 75-300 Zoom Lens when my friend Rachael was here and we were at the Edison Ford Estates. The lens has a little scratch on it, but it's not noticeable when taking photos (thank god). I learned my lesson that day, and when I bought the T7i (I had the T3 at the time), I bought the warranty plan "just in case". The warranty has expired and the T7i is already a "renewed" / "refurbished" item on Amazon, so I did get my money's worth, especially with the photos I've taken since purchasing it. I don't regret any of it. Both cameras got me into the 21st century (I was using a Canon Rebel G film camera when we moved here. Good luck finding film and a place to process it... and get your negatives returned with the prints).

It's getting warm out. It's currently 65° out, so I think I'll get ready for the gym and go get my workout in before it gets too late. 

Stay humble


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