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Monday, January 6, 2025

This isn't some "fine quality H2O"...

The Waterboy would not approve it for drinking. Dave Matthews would probably still advise not drinking it as well [track 4 for reference] [I know the song is something completely different. I'm using the line and title for reference]. 

That being said, I've got a video to share.

Starting off with a little TMI: I'm blind when I don't have my contacts in or my glasses on. I can see shapes and colors, but it's all a complete blur when my eyes have no magnification. I have no peripheral vision and I can't tell you what something says. I'm lucky I can drive some days, because those times can also have squirrel moments as well as conversations lost due to my hearing challeges.

Overall, Magoo is not my end game. I could be close to it, if my body keeps up its shenanigans, but I don't want to be. 

As talked about in a previous post, I wanted to start using the Pacha Soap. I chose the "Farmhouse Cider" bar to start off with, as I have previously tried the "Peppermint Twist" and liked it. The Cider is new to me.  

I didn't realize it has exfoliate properties in it (I think the clove pieces?), so it's doing an extra job at clearing away all the gross (especially when I come home from the gym and need to get the sweat and sanitizing wipes off of me. Yes, I do make sure to wipe down all the machines I use, before and after I use them. I'm nice like that, even though some of the gym goers aren't). The bar smells super nice and clean, although the scrubbing factor is a little harsh if you're not expecting it. 

Amazon doesn't list this specific scent when you search for it. Instead, they have other scents in bars, bombs and scrubs. "Farmhouse Cider" is such a discounted seasonal flavor, even the Pacha site stopped carrying it (don't forget, we all get credit if you click on the Pacha link. If you click on any Amazon ones, I earn commission on that sale as well).

Therefore, today when I put my contacts in before my shower (I know they say not to, but I end up doing it anyway to save a step sometimes) and I looked down into the water while using the soap. I was quite surprised to see the water get an orangey red tinge to it. It was actually pretty scary as I wasn't expecting that.

Having not clear water while using any type of bar soap hasn't happened before. At least it's nothing I've fully noticed with or without being able to fully see. 

Yes, when I don't have my contacts in, I can't tell if the tub is getting murky or not, but when I have had my contacts in, I've never noticed the water turning colors. 

So I had a little fright while doing my cleansing thing, because I didn't know if I cut myself or something else was happening. 

TMI, I know.

But seeing how there were other things happening, the suds discoloration wasn't fun either. However, it was telling that I wasn't bleeding from anywhere.

Yes, the soap gets extra bubbly so there's quite the little pieces of liquid air around me. Once I stopped scrubbing and put the soap on the holder, all the color went down the drain. Picking the bar back up, it started again. 

Which means that the Iron Oxide ("Mineral Pigment") and Olive Oil ("Moisturising") in this, must be the culprits because I can't think of anything else listed on the ingredients that would make it run the way it did.  

It's not a super bad thing, by any means. I just wasn't expecting it. I don't recall if the pine one changed my tub, because it was two years ago when I bought that. The good thing is, even though this "runs", it doesn't stain. There is no residue anywhere around the shower or tub, that says "something's coloring me". 

I made a video washing my hands in my sink, to show how silly this is, and I'm not completely crazy. 

The video specs are:
- Shot on an iPhone 11
- Edited in Pinnacle Studio
- Background music is "No Rain" by Blind Melon (Track 7 for reference)

I made two versions of this video. One had the Blind Melon track and the other had Dave Matthews Band (as referenced first on in this post). My mother thought that No Rain was much better, so I kept it.

I wanted to add some comments as the video progressed. I do have to clarify that I was wearing one of those "Trion Z" bracelets that I ended up taking off towards the end of the video. The capsule thing likes to hold on to water and since I don't wear this bracelet every day, I completely forgot about what it'll do later (drip). Since there are so many mixed reviews about these ion things, I don't really know if it works. I still have issues, so maybe it was just a fad? I did buy the thing before we moved to Florida and you don't see people wearing them anymore...

Anyway, I'm not totally giving up on the soap. I'm going to keep using it and potentially buying other scents. I just wanted to give some friendly warning that "these colors run" if you end up purchasing it. Don't be scared like I was; just be alert to it. I'm sure it'll all be fine. 

If you have to ask, yes, all those moisturizing oils in the bar (the shea butter included), does make my skin feel nice. After a whole day, I can't smell the fragrance from this morning, but my body still is smooth. Almost like the scrub in the bar is doing more magic than we all thought. 

Which is good? ¯\(ツ)/¯

Therefore, sniff and take in the positive whiff of something rad today.

(If only we had Maude's "Odorifics", you'd have been able to smell the crisp apple as I filmed it. One day we'll get a smell-o-vision. One day...)

Stay clean and classy. Don't ruin any furniture.


See Also:
* Maude's "Odorifics" is from the 1971 Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon movie, Harold & Maude

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