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Saturday, January 25, 2025

"Today I don't feel like doing anything"

Yeah, we're definitely being punked.

I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and checked my phone. My window was closed, but it was cold in my room. Both the Apple bloatware weather app and the Weather Channel app said it was 40 (Apple) and 45° (Weather Channel). Both were reading that it "feels like" 32 and 31. We also had a cold weather advisory in effect. 

When I woke up, it wasn't that much warmer (it was colder), but the advisory went away.

The thermostat is reading 67° and my mother said that's good, considering how cold it is outside and that her window is open. 

How is this good and why is the window open? 

Because she got hot during the night, even though the heat is not on. 

As much as I don't want to try to find it, I have a space heater somewhere in the garage. I don't want to use it, but I'm half tempted to go search for it. If it's not here, that means we sold it in a garage sale. If it's here, I could turn it on and see if it works. It's so old (I had it in The Dungeon in Brockton for eons), it might catch fire. That's all we need. 🙈 I can't even find it on Amazon, that's how old it is (which is why I just linked to the main space heater page). 

This is not fun. I know my friends up north are dealing with worse weather because they have all the nasty stuff associated with the cold, but I was lied to. I think we all were. Florida isn't supposed to get this cold, especially this far into the state. One of my friends said "it's global warming" and I think she's right. The more we're doing, the more the world is going crazy.

I read a headline the other day that said something like the Earth's axis shifted a degree and "true north" isn't what we know anymore. All sorts of GPS units need to recalculate (try saying "recalculate" and not hear it in your device's voice. LOL). If the Aurora Borealis can somehow reach us (to an extent), then you know something is going on in the world we don't know about. 

As Tay would argue, "Matrix glitch!! Keep watching; you'll see more tears!!". 

All of this is giving me The Day After Tomorrow and 2012 vibes. Plain and simple. 

Or, if you want to be a little more current (and something in the preppers realm), watch how a certain electric vehicle can ruin the only one way street (post richy rich apocalypse), download Netflix and find Leave The World Behind. The movie is based off a 2021 Rumaan Alam novel of the same name. I haven't read this yet, but intend to, once I get down to a reasonable amount of books in my room. 

I don't know, man. I don't know. It's supposed to warm up next week and we can forget about this crazy for a while. 

Hopefully we get some warmth, or we may end up turning on our heat (although we'd be more apt to just bundle up).

Until we can figure it out, stay safe and warm.


See Also
* Title of post comes from Bruno Mars' The Lazy Song (track 5 from Doo-Wops & Hooligans)

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