Just as described, the pink is bright and the black is dark. Fits amazingly on the cup, too. I actually can't wait to use the pink one on my pink tumbler this week. It's funny; the clasp is a push button release and the sleeve is soft. I'd never think that neoprene would be considered "Soft" or I'd use that in a sentence to describe a cup holder, but it's "like buttah". Haha.
It's going to be really cool to carry this around campus and have people ask me where I got it, rather then be awkward and try to hold it. I'm excited. Now, if I only had the silver tumbler, I'd be set! =)
(Photos taken with an iPhone 6s. Don't mind the messy counter)

Emily and I were traveling around work today, because she's got to show me some things before she leaves for another job. Yes, sadly, she is moving on from our little job world, to a bigger and better place. As she's aspiring to get a master's degree in the not so distant future, this new job she will take on, starting Wednesday, will move her one step closer to acquiring the experience and certification she's looking for.
So... she had to show me around one of the newer buildings she's been working in.
Upon walking the halls, we smelled something oddly sugary sweet. Like, someone's baking vanilla sugar cookies or vanilla cupcakes. And there's a lot of them, and we're getting cavities and pre-diabetic just sniffing around. That's how sugary sweet we're talking. Come to find out, it is sugar cookie flavored, and both Emily and I aren't the most used crayons in the package.
Upon researching this fan machine and the whole base (because, where the hell is the outlet plug? This fan has an electrical tail, but nothing to use in the wall to make it work) looks like it goes into another machine. I can't find the product name on Amazon, but it looks like the higher end hotels use something similar, as there are branded fans online. See here. I remember when I worked for one of those higher end hotels, there'd be a fragrance fan in the main lobby. It was small enough that you didn't notice it, but fragrant enough that it over powered your nose hairs and you felt immediately hungry.
I really don't know how the one we found works, or what bigger machine it plugs into, but I'm intrigued as to why it's hanging out in an area where people aren't always in (it's a living area with a table and chairs, a couple counters and a view of the marsh land and road). Yes, people can come gawk at the cars and wish they were on the beach (which is seemingly far in the distance), but we are in a building known to have its residents primarily stay in just a few places, not bird watch.
The fan thing (taken on an iPhone 6S):

The view of the land, taken on an iPhone 6S, through a reflective glass. Don't mind the spots.
It's almost time to do something better with my night, so if anyone can find that scent thing on Amazon, lemme know; I'd be interested in seeing the full package.
Until then...
edited to add: I found something that looks like the "Scentair" website, and found what the machine looks like. From some of the schematics, maybe the ScentHD Fragrance Machine and an upgraded version of it. Or so the outer shell looks like it could be...
But I still could be wrong.
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Thanks for sharing!