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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

It's 94° out... and it's fall, y'all

I done got myself southerened by saying "it's fall, y'all". Don't shoot me. I'm bored out of my mind right now. 

I decided to take the week off from work because I was close to hitting my max accrual for my paid time off. If I didn't take at least 40 hours by the end of October, I'd stop banking sick days. 

So here I am, not thinking the protesting political Beatle was nutty, but maybe he knew something we didn't? I favor The Quiet One anyway... what do I know... 

Sitting down watching things is actually something I can be good at. Especially when I watch the neighbors across the street put up their holiday decorations. While one of the kids came home this afternoon when I was taking photos, I really couldn't get a close up of what's hiding in the bushes, but I got some sky photos along with the garage decorations of two houses down.

All photos taken with a Canon EOS T7i DSLR Camera with 18-55mm Lens (which is still being sold in various bundles). 

I played around with some of the pictures and on one of the sky photos, I used the "toy box" filter that is installed in the camera mechanics. Came out interesting. Other basic editing was creating black and white photos or tooling around with minor auto edits post shots. I'm still using CS5 and won't go update until I get a proper machine.. 

Oh... and I bit the bullet. I bought the Orgain Organic Plant Based Protein + Superfoods Powder on Amazon. They happened to have a coupon code for $4 off, so I paid $25.99, which became a better deal then schlepping to Costco. Especially since I did some research this morning for Emergen C. The price of the Orgain is now $33.99, and it looks like it keeps going up every time I seek it out. Amazon might be the winner here since I ordered the tub Friday (if I recall correctly) and it arrived Sunday. 

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