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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Gonna shop til you get enough!

 Ok.. so I'm not the King of Pop and I am trying my hardest to make interesting post titles, but on the day after Christmas, there was a lack of sales happening in the stores. 

After going to Walmart, Target, Walgreens and CVS, my mother and I got home with maybe a total of 3 bags of stuff, and most of it was normal things we buy when we go out shopping.

Although the supply chain of goodies are still floating on the ocean in different ports, what stores had for "50% off All Christmas" today was bare minimum. To think even food "staples" were gone... it's officially not the day after a holiday when candy is missing, let alone dairy products. 

While we were in CVS, I went down the vitamin aisle because I needed fish oil. Yes, of all the things I take, fish oil capsules are something I add to my morning regimen. I always like to look for the Orgain Organic Protein + Superfoods Powder, just to see if I'm still "getting a deal" thru Amazon's Subscribe + Save (2.02 pound jar) or Costco (2.07 pound jar). There's a definite price change between flavors, no matter where you go. It just is interesting that all companies are selling the same product differently. 

For example, CVS has the chocolate powder marked as $26.79 and it's the 1.12 pound jar. Which, any other brand is that price for over a pound more, I wonder if people are buying this tub. 

But, on the other hand, Amazon has the same tub for $15.70, on sale from $19.98. However, there are only 5 left in stock and this is the first time I've see it listed under the "Health & Household›Diet & Sports Nutrition›Sports Nutrition›Protein›Plant" category. Unless I haven't been paying too much attention. 

There is no subscribe and save option with this on Amazon, as it's not being directly sold by the retailer. It's coming from a third party. Which I've gone that route before, and I found it trustworthy. It's a good deal for a one off item, but if you are looking to be a repeat buyer, you really need to watch where they are coming from. If there is so many "left in stock" and no option to subscribe and save, you're probably looking at a third party. Again, people have commented that settling happened, the bottle was opened, things were off... I don't want to jinx myself, but I've not had problems. Amazon as the seller or a third party selling the item. 

So to do the research and switch it a minute, the 2.02 pound chocolate tub is being sold by Amazon and it's selling for $29.99 as a one off purchase. Subscribe and save is $28.49 (5% off) and is shipped monthly. Conversely, the vanilla is $28.99 for a one off purchase or $27.54 (5% off) for subscribe and save (with a 2 month ship.. don't ask me why that's the 'more common' factor). The 1.12 pound vanilla is not for sale, sadly. 

Again, it's like, you see it one place and it's drastically different than another place and you have to ask yourself if it's worth the gas / mileage to run around town to find a cheaper spot, or is it easier to order online? I'm sure even the online retailers (CVS, Walgreens, etc) are going to have different prices on the web store. At what price point are you willing to "risk" the purchase?

And speaking of price points... friendly reminder, especially for those on the mobile version of this blog (because the mobile version doesn't see all the links the web version has)... if you like what you see and want to help support the cause, I'm on Ko-Fi. I appreciate all the help that's out there and will keep everything as up to date as I can. Between photos and reviews.. the love shows! 

Keep it coming.. 


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