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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Be gone, you!

 Idalia came and went for us in SWFL. Word on the street is she will hit Bermuda as a post tropical cyclone. 

But the devastation left in North Florida as a category 3, looks like what Ian left us as a category 5. The Big Bend area has lots of flooding and loss of power. Homes are gone. 

This is a first for that area, the news was saying, as there are spots where they've not seen anything past a category 1. Which makes this storm highly unusual...  some reports have said. 

In Lee County, we got a lot of rain Tuesday, where it got super dark a few times while I was at work. There was even a tornado whirling around the area at one point. Any problems we were going to see from the storm was during the night, and when I woke up Wednesday, you would think nothing happened. Even as I made my way across town to work, the wind was blowing, for sure, but none of the roads were flooded that I needed to drive on. 

That's not to say that just 2 miles away from my work was spared. The bridges to get to Cape Coral were flooded out on the ends, Downtown was under water, businesses were closed. I still had to be in the office.

Which was a ghost town. People who could work remotely, did. Those who couldn't, came in. The ones that had a bad commute, took paid time off. There was about 10 people in the building. Which isn't bad, since there's usually 25. 

It quite literally was a regular summer storm for us. The hype was worth it but not worth it, since we're still trying to rebuild from last year. It's better to be safe than sorry. Especially since there was some erosion in places locally, but not a lot. 

Where we are still in peak hurricane season, it's far from over. This won't be the last time anyone talks about threats, considering there are a few more storms out in the water that are currently being watched. Plus, we just finished with the "I" letter. There are 17 more to go.

I know this is short and probably doesn't make sense to read, but I wanted to post something, even just to say things are okay here. We survived Tropical Storm Idalia. 


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