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Friday, December 22, 2017

"Through early morning fog I see"

"Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see"
Johnny Mandel (music) and Mike Altman (lyrics)

Don't worry, I'm not looking to pull anything stupid. I've already done that with certain people in a certain set of stories. But, I was looking outside this morning and couldn't help but start singing the "theme" from M*A*S*H.

Yes, I have that record. Yes, it's still packed away. Yes, I've listened to both sides. No, you can't have my copy. Oh, and I'm not as young as people think I am, so don't get it twisted that I don't know the Robert Altman original movie (or the history of the story). There are a lot of things I remember watching when I was younger - TV shows and movies (and vice versa) that I shouldn't possibly know. Re runs may be some people's friends, but not all the time.

As I type this, I was listening to the song via a streaming site. I realized my friend Tay (hi D) recorded a song several years ago, where he has a similar style of singing and playing as Johnny Mandel does in Suicide. Were you thinking of this song when you recorded "Uncle John", Tay??? Oh, and since I mentioned a specific short story, people will know this friend of mine as "Tony". Just FYI.

The reason I started thinking of the song today was the fact that there's been a massive amount of global warming fog happening here in Florida lately. Challenge of the week: maneuver through the old folks to get to work as this morning's coverage was a little hard to manage. It seems that today's was a little thicker than average, as it was the first time I noticed the clouds linger in the yard. The days leading up to 6am this morning, really haven't been too bad on the streets until I get towards work. It's when I look around me and I can't see the high rises across the water, but it also seems to stabilize there as well. The fog doesn't seem to go away until 10ish, but no one complains. Today on the other hand, that's all I heard at work - how some people have not had opportunity to see this amount of cloud water droplets for as long as they could remember. One of the guys told me that he's been in the area for 7 years and "it's never been this bad". Who am I to compare it to? I've been here six and all I know about low lying mist is from New England...

I really don't have a lot to say, because I wanted to include some pictures. They were taken between 6:00am and 10:00am on Friday, December 22 2017.

All photos taken on an iPhone 6S with no editing.

Be good to yourselves and enjoy the weekend;


See Also:

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