Due to the overwhelming possibilities of people buying me random things for holiday or birthday presents, Hanukkah 2018 was no different.
I have to say, what I got this year was nothing short of interesting; I think the decisions were made to just throw ideas in the air to see if it stuck. Primarily from people who think I need more electronic chazerai (outside of wanting a new DSLR with some accouterments).
What made the list this past week?
A cable bites from a cousin, along with an essential oils disc for the car (which the holder I don't own, so this disc can't be used. I have mirror air fresheners that I happen to like, thankyouverymuch).
So... what does this cable thingy do, that I seem to sound like I am not favorable over?
It's supposed to prevent your cable from fraying. As in, every time you plug your phone in and then unplug it, you're loosening all the internal wires to the cable. The more you keep playing with it, the more it can lead to exterior fraying. The biters help prevent fraying, because only you can prevent forest fires.
The pictures I took this morning of the biter were taken with my Canon EOS Rebel T3 camera. The same one I'm thinking of
Quite honestly, I didn't want to set up a whole mini studio to take a handful of pictures. I sharpened some while I auto tone / contrast/ color others. That's all the editing I did in Photoshop, outside of adding my name. The case on my iPhone 6S is an OtterBox Defender.
Due to having the Defender case, the dog can't do its job properly. The biters are supposed to act like they are biting the phone, because that's the charging piece into the phone that starts the fraying process. Or so it was explained to me that way. The more you pull at that charging piece, the more loose it becomes. I guess people throw out a lot of cables because they are too rough on their pull?
Anyway, the case is big enough that the dog can't lay on its' belly and "bite" the case. The nub covering the charging port on the phone comes up and the charger goes in. But with the dog, he barely gets his mouth on the charger and can't bite the case. So putting him upside down, he raises the case just a smidge when it's on the table. What good is that - seeing the bottom of the product? You're supposed to see how cool it looks laying on the table and how it's doing the job it's supposed to. It wasn't made with thicker cases in mind, apparently.
I do have to point out, that the biter only works on the branded / rounded cables. The flat charging cables are too wide to fit in the tiny body of the biter, so as awkward as it is to get the normal cable in, you can't get the flat version to work. Trust me, I tried.
Note: Amazon has the brand of cable I tried using, but it's listed as a penny with $4.99 shipping: Blackweb BWA16WI002 Flat Sync and Charge Cable 4ft-White. I picked up two different colors (purple for the house, pink for the car. How girly of me, eh? 😁😜) in one of the big box stores for roughly $8 each (maybe a little less), but this white one is the only one listed on Amazon.
I tried; what can I say?
At any rate, the pictures or I've been writing for naught.

Yes, the box is not in English. No, I can't read it.
I guess that's it for now. I've been sitting here trying to write this post for over an hour. I'm slow. Haha.
See also (aka diggin' the unscented pine forest):
- Bigfoot is alive!
- I want to believe
- I want to believe vol. 2
- Wax on, wax off
- The next Magic Mike
- Be a pal, be a friend. Pay your way
See also (aka other references):
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Thanks for sharing!