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Sunday, June 19, 2022

Drier than the Mojave after a rain storm?

I'm sure I talked about this before, so if I have, it's updated information. If I haven't, well, I've been apparently out in the sun too long and have hung around a bunch of 80 year olds for even longer. 

I've been using the Native Charcoal deodorant since close to my last post about Tom's of Maine (in May). 

At first glance in the tube, the grey color is concerning. I'm used to white sticks, or when using gel, translucent. The dark color of the deodorant was "oh that's new". However, I think I've had other colors from this brand where it 'matched' the scent. I don't remember what flavors I had looked at previously where it wasn't the usual white. They are still on the lighter end of the color spectrum.  

Sniff test: There's no over powering smell to it; you really have to put your nose up to it in order to get a whiff of something clean (the Native website states that it's "ocean-fresh, mineral fragrance features a hint of citrus, the power of charcoal, and an air of mystery"). While working in 90 degree heat and running around all day, I'm not finding myself stinky, nor am I smelling like I went for a dunk at Guthrie Beach and somehow ran through an orange and lemon grove afterward). I think this has to do with the charcoal powder dispersed within the deodorant.

Dryness: Again, with the charcoal powder, I think that it is prohibiting me from overly sweating because I wasn't feeling gross or wet after said running around. Surprisingly the pits were the only ones who didn't feel like they were bathing after heavy lifting. Being inside in air conditioning and then outside in the 100 degree humidity and moving furniture or driving in a golf cart, you get a little drippy in places, especially when you're a fat kid. But my under arms stayed fresh and I think it's due to the charcoal absorbing everything. 

There are reviews about this brand (in particular) staining clothes. When I originally bought the 3 pack bundle of scents on the Native site (2 years ago already?), I was concerned about that happening to me. I wasn't finding any discoloration on my outfits and even with this new stick, I am not finding it leaving trails. 

Trust me - I wore a white shirt the other day and I saw no marks under the arm sleeves. 

Other reviews, especially for the charcoal, are saying it stains your skin and leaves a rash. Me, who looks carefully at the ingredients for certain terms, needs to be cautious on what's in the bottle. Knock on wood, I haven't had any negative effects so far in regards to breakouts, but am on the fence on how the stick changes the pigmentation on the skin. My arms don't look like the pictures posted in reviews, that's for sure, but I also have dark hair, so I can't say the brand is ruining my body unless I also say my own body is ruining itself (I've always had challenges after shaving my pits, so it's not Native for leaving smudging under 2 layers of skin... could be me).

Yes, I know, lots of TMI, but I'm not immune to making the comments on here. Look at the first time I posted regarding Native and other items. 

All in all, I think I'm still going to look around and test other products. Not stay with one thing unless I'm finding it works really well. I wanted to update on this particular brand and say how the new scent is working. It's my last stick for the company, even though I always look out at retailers for a price cut (because, really, $13 is steep when other "natural" brands range from $6-10). All budgets are different, however, if I'm finding a particular brand is better than this (due to interactions) and it's also reliably less money (sometimes with coupons and sales!), I'm going to reach for the competitor first. Plus, Native is not in all stores right now. If they are, the stock is limited to a few scents, although I forget where I recently was - there was a good 2 dozen flavors on the shelves, when usually there's under 10. 

Find what you're worth and work it. 


See also:
  • We all get a (free) mini deodorant if you order on Native (I've gotten the free stick before and it's really very little. Good for traveling, though). 
  • Amazon has the charcoal deodorant at $12.97.
  • Native website has the charcoal deodorant for $13.
    • Native is currently running some offers:

  • I've seen the brand at big box stores for $13+ but sometimes it's $11 or under if the store wants to get rid of it (the Candy Cane flavor was real cheap a couple years ago at Target and it smelled amazing. I bought the last stick when I saw it). 

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