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Monday, October 10, 2022

Snow White was the tallest ho, so off to work she go

 I made it. I went to work today. 

The intersection light immediately outside my complex wasn't working this morning, so getting out to take a right was interesting. Of all the "lights" that I needed, I think in total, 3 were still dead. 

But that didn't stop my 5 minutes of panic when I got to the main intersection I was already anxious about. 

I needed to cross Colonial Blvd from Fowler Street and since Colonial is the busier side of the intersection, the lights are timed in its favor, under normal circumstances. So going out that direction today, with those lights fully operational, I sat on Fowler waiting to cross the road. 

And I sat. 

And I sat. 

Time keeps on ticking, slipping. Into the future....

I just wanna move already. I don't like sitting in this area because it's too congested and when you're trapped between all sorts of size of cars, you start feeling claustrophobic. 

After a good 7 minutes, traffic finally moved for my end of the road and I cruised through the lights. 

Once I crossed over and got to another section, slow down again. My side of the street was still slightly flooded. 

It's a good thing there were no cars coming at me from the opposite direction, because I went into the other lane to not have to go through a large area of standing water. 

Got back in my lane, drove another minute, took my turn, got to work. 

Surprisingly the building and its parking lot held up well. 

Walked in to a quiet location as not everyone was in yet. I got a solid 45 minutes of work completed before going to see who had arrived. 

Most of the newbies (including myself) had stayed out all of last week. Some people lost power for 2 days, others had generator access. People had minor damage but nothing that a quick redecoration can't fix. We are all lucky, it could have been worse for a lot of people, especially those who commute from Cape Coral.

Everyone exchanged stories and we got back to our jobs. 

Because I started hitting a wall, early, I wanted coffee but was afraid to go to a convenience store because I'm sure they aren't making anything. And since I didn't bring any k-cups with me, I had to trudge through it and fight my brain from shutting down. 

I got to the point where my head felt so thick because I was so tired, I know this will be an early night. 

After doing my nine hours, I left around 5 to then try my luck going home. They kept threatening rain and since our street flooded last night, I didn't want to be caught at work if it started today. Once I got to my car, I made it out to the main intersection (Colonial and Fowler). It was smooth sailing after waiting about 6 minutes in one light, but all the lights on my ride home were on, and I was able to take the left into my community.

I wish I could do 8-5 every day, or at least 8-4:30. I don't need that half hour extra, but they want us there later, and I don't like it. But what am I to do? 

Suck it up, buttercup, or find another job. 


Until something else happens, have a great night!


See also (aka misheard lyrics):

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Thanks for sharing!