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Sunday, April 22, 2018

If you poke a hole in it, will it taste like coconut rum?

Yesterday I took a field trip over to Sanibel with people and filled about 70 pictures on my 16GB camera card. Of all the snapshots I took, I ended up only "saving" editing down less than 10 (for the blog).

It was an interesting expenditure out there, as the group I was with, wanted something new to do. We went to "The Historical Museum", which ended up being an hour's (guided) tour through 6 or so houses (all placed on the same property and a 25 foot step from each other). Flash photography wasn't welcome, but you're able to walk inside each house and take photos. Most of the furniture and items are original, and there are signs everywhere saying "do not sit" | "fragile". Due to my group being in most of the photos, I'm only uploading the ones with out people. This also means there aren't that many to choose from.

If you poke a hole in it, can you get coco rum?

Tastes a little woody....

This dude's been in the sun too long

 We then went walking around plazas and I ended up finding more stuff to view.

That's what he said!

The flowers caught my eye, as they were just hanging around in a random plant, and the "upstairs" sign was pretty cool. It was in a clothing store (really for older women) and I thought it was very industrial and steam punk looking, the way everything centered in that area. I was sitting in a really comfortable seat for way too long at the point I took the pictures!

I finally charged my fitness tracker last night. It got down to 28% by 10pm, so I took it off my wrist, took it apart (the band off) and charged it over night. This morning when I woke up, it was all set to go and ready to be put back together. Guess I'll be waiting another week and a half to charge it again? I'm still working on figuring out the step ratio though...

Until next time...


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