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Sunday, July 25, 2021

May the power of internet research help you!

 Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh buddy!

For weeks, I've been battling the Windows 8 "charms" on my HP laptop. I'm totally not used to having to struggle with my mouse / trackpad and have everything get jumbled up and inoperable. 

Those who jumped from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and don't know what I'm talking about (I'm guessing Windows 10 doesn't have this... I could be wrong), Windows 8 has something called "charms". They are on the right hand side of the screen and only appears when you place your mouse in that area. It's typically translucent shortcuts that allow you do do various things - go to the Start menu, Share, Search, Devices and Settings. It's just one of the added features Microsoft thought users could need when they upgraded devices. 

I don't think they thought this through.

Like I said, hovering in the right hand side of the screen, especially when you're in the middle of doing work, a taskbar shows up. They are light enough that you really don't notice them until you start clicking on an area of the program you are in, and your mouse and keys start dragging. At least that's what has been happening with me. 

The best I can explain it is that my mouse catches on a piece of the transparency and won't unclick. No matter how I move the mouse or touch any keys. It's like the mouse is trying to drag something across the screen. Things end up getting bogged down / slow. 

It is one of the worst ideas Microsoft has ever had.

As I didn't know how to disable it, thinking there wasn't any way, I've been dealing with what feels like a broken computer, every time I hover in that area. 

So I've finally had enough. After using this laptop for the past couple months (and it collecting dust for a couple years... that is why I am using Windows 8 instead of 10), I went online and found a way to finally get rid of those damn icons once and for all.

Or at least until I want them back or someone is on my computer and wants to mess with me.

All it took was right clicking the main taskbar. Going to "Properties", "Navigation", and then unselect "When I point to the upper-right hand corner, show the charms". Press "Okay" and be done with the suckers. 

Now they aren't there and I don't have to feel like I'm working on a machine that wants to anger me into the depths of not wanting it anymore. 

Maybe technology can be saved after all??


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Thanks for sharing!